Are You Ready For the Rapture?

3 years ago

Are you ready for the rapture? Sometime in the near future millions of Bible-believing Christians from around the world will vanish. They will be raptured up to the clouds to meet the Lord in the air (1 Thess. 4:13-18) and from there they will go to the Father's house in heaven (John 14:1-2). Those who are left behind will face an awful future---the time known as the tribulation. Then the book of Revelation, and all the biblical prophecies that pertain to that time, will unfold in horrifying reality.

How do we know this time is soon? Because many biblical prophecies are being fulfilled around us that are rapidly setting the stage for the last act of planet Earth --- the tribulation. This means that the rapture of the church is right around the corner.

Are you ready? Are you saved? Are you born again? If you profess to be born-again, does your profession line up with reality? If you really are born again, are you living for His things or your own things? When the rapture trumpet blows, time is up for everyone. If you are a believer, your opportunity for service and rewards is over. If you are unsaved, you missed your chance at the rapture. Now you are going into the time of tribulation to face the worst wars and famines in history, asteroids from heaven, oppressive Big Brother government with dehumanizing agendas, and the antichrist and the mark of the beast. Get right with God while you still have time.

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