Ephraim the Syrian: Ten Undiscovered Pretrib Rapture Passages

3 years ago

I have discovered 10 crystal-clear pretribulation-rapture references in the Greek writings of Ephraim the Syrian, also known simply as Ephraim, or as Ephraem or Ephrem. This fourth-century father has left us 150-plus Greek works that are not found in the standard collections of the church fathers in English, and most of these have never been translated into English. These references do not prove the pretribulation rapture, but they do add to the already substantial body of proof that the pretribulation rapture was held by prominent theologians in the early church. And this body of evidence proves that the pretribulation rapture is not a recent innovation, as is so often asserted by those who peddle the fable that J.N. Darby got his rapture doctrine from Margaret MacDonald.


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