6/14/23 Get In My Belly! "The End of the World as We Know It" part 3 S1E3Rp3

1 year ago

“Get In My Belly!”
Jesus Christ says plainly that hearing about famines will be commonplace in the days before He returns; but might there be other ways that food-related issues carry end-times importance as well? On today’s show we look at the role food has played in the story of salvation, from the Garden of Eden to Eden Restored after Christ returns, to shed some light on the spiritual role of food problems in the world today.

"The End of the World as We Know It" Part 2: 6/14/23
This week we’re re-broadcasting our third episode from Season One, all about the promised soon return of Jesus Christ.

Season 1 Episode 3R (R for Repeat episodes)
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