Western societies are in deep decline.

1 year ago

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The powers that be in Western societies, are clearly totally and utterly out of control! and some would even say evil! and I tend to agree with this notion, they clearly want! and are striving for total control over entire populations, and the way in which, this has previously been attempted is obviously not sufficient to achieve these objectives, and that is why, there is such a fundamental shift going on in Western societies right now, in fact it has been going on for years, however now at this point in time, we are at the beginning stages, of new a dystopian future, its blatant it can be seen everywhere! Especially in regards to their social and political persecution of me Stephen Bell that is going on in public, and you have to remember I am not the only targeted individual, there are hundreds of thousands of us from all around the world, the only differences is being done publicly to me, that is because they are intending to use the targeted individual program and all that entails including all the psychotronic weapons and electromagnetic communication systems to achieve their objectives, in fact these are their tools of control! There is no doubt, and as you see they will do just about anything to crush anybody who defies them and their interests in any way.

And you can rest assure, I am defying their interests and their agenda to such a high level, that I am in imminent danger from being assassinated, set up to be imprisoned or institutionalized, right now they are focusing on the latter, and they are using the public at large, here in Denmark as their the factor proxies, the Danish state and its intelligence agency PET, are communicating through synthetic telepathy to the people in my surroundings, And continuously asking them to participate in the programs gaslighting campaigns and constant plots against me, all of which are intended to help the government have me institutionalized into a mental institution, under the pretext, that I’m supposedly the most prolific sex criminal Denmark has ever seen, without there being any cases whatsoever in reality!

They are intending to use the fact, that I speak openly about the social and political persecution of me in public, and the governments uses of electromagnetic communication systems to achieve these goals, as the grounds to have me institutionalized, at the very same time that they are doing the exact same thing that I’m proclaiming, this is a classic example of wanting the cake and eating it too they are taken the outrageous hypocrisy to new levels of extremes.

As I say I am in imminent danger being the so-called protagonist of the global social engineering and intelligence operation, and I am completely and utterly on my own, so much so that I’m supposedly an enemy of the people in my own country, because of the constant propaganda and PSYOP campaigns waged to the populations the Danish peoples are literally being indoctrinated into to hating and despise me without me doing anything in person to warrant such hatred, this is how successful their never-ending propaganda and PSYOP are here in 2023.

And this is how it goes in the new dystopian future you have lots to look forward too, because undoubtedly you or one of your loved ones will ultimately also become a targeted individual of some sort.

#the_setup_is_real #active_measures_against_Stephen_Bell #synthetic_telepathy_communications_system

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