(4of6) The CULT's long planned depopulation agenda (Jeff Rense interviews Gurudas March 1997)

1 year ago

4th of 6 Interviews with Jeff Rense in March 1997.
Jeff Rense interviews author Gurudas (AKA Ronald Lee Garman) in March 1997 who is the author of the book "Treason: The New World Order" and was "SUICIDED" shortly after he finished the follow-up to ‘Treason, The New World Order’ (1945-2001).

@40:47 Guruda quotes futurist "Barbara Marx Hubbard" from her book about her insane DEPOPULATION views. Same academic elitist point of view and apparently a Rockefeller group fund supported her book. You will remember Barbara Marx Hubbard from the video I posted a couple weeks ago where in 2015 during her speech she said "THE BABIES WE EAT!". Yup, that crazy b#tch.

Ronald Lee Garman (Gurudas), author of ‘Treason, The New World Order’, in ‘The End of the Line’, with Jeff Rense, on October 20th, 1996. Ron (1945-2001) was found dead on January 11th, 2001, shortly after he finished the follow-up to ‘Treason, The New World Order’. His murderers wanted to make believe that he committed suicide. Ron’s computer was gone when he was found dead, but it suddenly reappeared again a week after the murder, without his new book…
A memorial service was held in his honor on January 23rd at Keaton Redwood Chapel of Marin in Novato, California.

This interview was the first in a series of six Jeff Rense had with Ron between October 1996 and May 1997. Here Jeff and Ron talk about Government Terrorism Against the People, Carroll Quigley, One Party System in the United States, The Coucil on Foreign Relations, the Shadow Government, The Rothschilds, Wall Street, Corporate Power, The necessity to stop the large corporations, If the large corporations are not stopped some form of totalitarianism is going to occur, One World Government, Secrecy, Over-population, Jacques Cousteau, Illegal immigrants, ‘FDR My Exploited Father-In-Law’ by C.B. Dall, Eisenhower, Bernhard Baruch, Libertarianism, Thomas Jefferson, “When people fear the government you have tyranny but when government fears the people you have liberty”, World Trade Center Bombing in 1993, Martial Law, Executive Orders, Bill Moyers’ ‘The Secret Government’, The Patriot Movement, Every law takes freedom away, Free Energy Devices, Royal Raymond Rife, ‘Witnessed’ by Bud Hopkins, The Iron Mountain Report, Harry Truman, The Fifth Column, Jim Norman, Gary Allen, The Murder of Admiral Boorda, The Murder of Andrew Rothschild, Oliver North, Gorbachov, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Population Elimination, Fluoridation, Industrial Waste Products, Sewage Sludge, Fertilizers, Pregnant women given plutonium, Radiation, David Rockefeller, Arthur Schlessinger, and more.

"Treason: The New World Order" by Gurudas (Author)
Comprehensive analysis of Patriot movement and New World Order. A reference work with 833 footnotes. Warnings from many authorities about a corporate police state. Hundreds of influential people call for a one world government, end of U.S. sovereignty, end of the U.S. Constitution, transference of the U.S. military to the UN, and a global police force. The UN is to become the center of a world government. The destruction of nationalism, patriotism, property rights, and the family unit is promoted. All nations must ultimately join a world government and those who resist will be attacked. The media never discusses this. Topics reviewed: corporate dominance, the secret government, state sovereignty vs. federal control, out of control intelligence community, Oklahoma bombing and cover-up, left and right working together, hidden U.S. history, role of the militias in U.S. history, past martial law in the U.S., murder as a political weapon, GATT and NAFTA, radiation/biological experiments on people, and a corporate plot for a dictatorship in the 1930s which Congress confirmed.

Source of video from TheRapeOfJustice-DeletedYouTubeVideos on Bitchute

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