Albino Africa | RT Documentary

10 months ago

Albinism in Africa: A death sentence from birth?

“It was as if they were butchering a cow”. Maria witnessed her husband’s gruesome murder, when a group of men carrying machetes and axes attacked and proceeded to chop him into pieces. This is just one of many horrific stories of what albinos face in Africa.

People with albinism in Tanzania live in constant fear and are subjected to extreme forms of stigmatization, discrimination, and brutal violence. Some think they are cursed or that they are ghosts, whereas, others view them as a source of income.

Albinos face not only the harsh effects of sunlight on their skin, but also the danger of being hunted for their body parts. Believing that they can cure diseases or bring wealth, some people, spurred by superstitions and witchcraft, resort to ritual killings of albinos.

On the International Albinism Awareness Day, Albino Africa sheds light on the daily struggle and atrocities faced by albinos and the attempts being made to put an end to this harsh reality.

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