Robert Kennedy Jr Speaking in S. CA to Chiropractor Alternative Med. Group Excellent Speech

1 year ago

This is an excellent speech given by Roberrt Kennedy Jr in Southern CA before he filed to run for President. And right after he wrote his book the Real Anthony Fauci exposing the lies and fraud we've been exposed to. He explains the deaths the lockdowns caused, the suicides, the mental illness caused, the deaths from the terrible lack of good care. And how the lies obscured the actual number of deaths, now Bill Gates modeled this horror and Fauci lied. How the PCR tests were rigged to produce false positive results. 70% of people with positive results NEVER had covid. All deaths were labeled as covid. " If you fell out of a tree and died, you were labeled as dying of covid". The VAERS System is being misused, San Diego doctors were ordered not to report heart damage from the Covid shots to VAERS.

He exposed ' the agenda'. Fewer than 1% of cases are reported by VAERS , even so the deaths reported are very high on it.
The mandates were illegal. No due process was followed. There are 22 mask studies on the IHR website and all of them report the do not work.

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