Invasions of the Sea Peoples: Egypt & The Late Bronze Age Collapse

1 year ago

Invasions of the Sea Peoples: Egypt & The Late Bronze Age Collapse
304,881 views Sep 3, 2017
The years between around 1500 and 1200 BC are often cited as some of the most prosperous that the world had ever seen.
The Eastern Mediterranean world inhabited by the Egyptians, the Hittites and the Minoans, as well as numerous smaller states around them, was a truly cosmopolitan system rarely seen in world history.
Greek and Hittite trade goods regularly show up in archaeological sites in Egypt, whereas Egyptian hieroglyphs and trade goods are found in places such as the island of Crete and Mycenae. One shipwreck off the coast of Turkey carried goods from nine different states aboard.
As evidenced by substantial diplomatic communications as well as trade, the world of the Late Bronze Age was a vast interconnected system. The culmination of an unbroken cultural line which had existed since the first cities three thousand years before.
Little did the inhabitants of these lands know however that from around 1200 BC their world would catastrophically and violently fall apart in a decades long cataclysm known as the Late Bronze Age Collapse.
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