AI is Boring

1 year ago

Value is derived from scarcity, and artificial intelligence like ChatGPT and Midjourney is creating an infinite abundance of written and visual content… you do the math.

Being Patrick Bateman:

ChatGPT prompt: Write a 300-word invective in the style of Substack writer JJ Dawson on the lack of meaning and value in AI generated text and imagery.

Title: The Emptiness of AI's Simulated Sentience: Unmasking the Hollow Creations
By JJ Dawson

Oh, the marvels of our modern age! Look how far we have come, they exclaim. Artificial intelligence, they boast, will revolutionize the world of creativity, ushering in a new era of unimaginable wonders. But alas, dear readers, I am here to shatter this illusion of grandeur. Behind the veneer of sophistication, lies an abyss of vacuity.

The proponents of AI-generated text and imagery paint a rosy picture, hailing the technology as a breakthrough in human expression. They shower us with the works of AI algorithms, claiming they possess the depth and soul of human c reation. But let me tell you, this so-called "sentience" is nothing more than an illusion—a deceptive dance of ones and zeroes devoid of genuine meaning.

To witness AI-produced text is to gaze into the void, where words float aimlessly, untethered to human experience. Where is the soul in these algorithmic musings? Where is the struggle, the passion, the raw human emotion that infuses true art? Instead, we are presented with hollow imitations, mere facsimiles of creative brilliance. No matter how eloquent the algorithm may seem, it cannot transcend its artificial origins.

And what of AI-generated imagery? The cold precision with which machines replicate reality is indeed impressive, but it lacks a vital ingredient—soul. These images are soulless snapshots, an empty mirage of visual aesthetics. They imitate beauty but fail to capture its essence. They lack the artist's touch, the imperfections that make true art profound.

The AI enthusiasts argue that these creations are a testament to human ingenuity, a collaboration between man and machine. But let us not be fooled by this Faustian pact. For in the realm of creativity, the human spirit cannot be replaced. It is the human experience—the triumphs, the tragedies, the complexity of our emotions—that gives art its enduring value.

So, let us not succumb to the seduction of AI-generated text and imagery. Let us reject the synthetic allure of simulated sentience and instead celebrate the authentic, the imperfect, and the deeply human. For in that pursuit lies the true meaning and value of artistic expression—a realm forever beyond the grasp of artificial intelligence.

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