Marfoogle News - U.S. Anticipates Worst-case Scenario: Evacuation from Taiwan

1 year ago

Marfoogle News
June 12, 2023
U.S. Anticipates Worst-case Scenario: Evacuation from Taiwan
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Amid the mounting tension sparked by the Ukraine conflict and Afghanistan war, the U.S. is developing evacuation plans for American citizens in Taiwan. Given the heightened threats from the Chinese military and recent alignment of China with Russia, these prudent preparations are being taken seriously by U.S. intelligence officials and the Pentagon. The American Institute of Taiwan is playing a pivotal role in preparing citizens for potential disasters, while the State Department and Department of Defense are diligently strategizing evacuation routes and modes of transit, considering the unique challenges posed by Taiwan's geography and the ever-present threats in the Taiwan Strait. Experts from the Center for Strategic and International Studies, who have experience in Taiwan war games, shed light on the complexities involved in such evacuation operations.

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