My Home Birth Story - Part 2 / Natural & Unmedicated

1 year ago

PART 2/2 - My natural & unmedicated home birth

We travelled from Australia to Costa Rica to give birth to our child.

This is my story of initiation from maiden to mother.

Watch Part 1/2 here -
Covering all of my preconception prep for our home birth & persona; experiences during pregnancy.

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0.00 - Intro
0:22 - Birth Tourism
1:03 - Part 1 Context
1:40 - Those Final Psychedelic Weeks
2:34 - The First Contractions
3:24 - 40 + 3
3:49 - Quick Grocery Run
4:25 - The intensity picks up
5:06 - Driving Home
5:45 - The Car Stops
6:46 - Finally Get Home
7:30 - Labour at Home
7:53 - Midwives Stuck in Traffic
8:32 - Transition & Doubt
9:08 - The Head Emerging
9:32 - Involuntary Pushing
9:45 - Using Gravity To Slow Things Down
10:45 - Midwives Finally Arrive
11:38 - 30 Minutes Crowning
12:16 - Short Umbellical Cord
12:25 - Birthing the Placenta
13:25 - Something is wrong
14:18 - Severe Tear
14:30 - Transfer or Not?
14:58 - Waiting for a 3rd Midwife
15:30 - Driving In the Pouring Rain
15:51 - Containing the Bleeding
16:16 - Reflection on the Intensity
17:18 - Breastfeeding
17:28 - Planting the Placenta
17:53 - Final Thoughts

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