🌀Meditation To Release Negative Energy / Dark Entities🌀Forged By Fire Released By Light - 🕊🤲🏽

1 year ago

Hello 👋 We The Light Renegades are SO excited to welcome you to our platform! ✨

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: light.renegades@gmail.com

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My name is Cassidy ( Starr ) ⭐️ 💙

I am a Pleiadian Starseed & earth bound ambassador for the Galatic Alliance ( GA ) and Pleiadian High Council ( PHC ).

If you would like to work with me
Email💌 : theawakeningstar@gmail.com

⚡️ More about me here 🫧 : https://linktr.ee/_the_awakening_star

⚡️ Instagram: https://instagram.com/the_awakening_star_?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


Welcome to another meditation from A Light Of Source 🌀

This meditation is specifically aligned for the The Is J. Series on the channel - for those that maybe involved in or previously taken part in ritual or manifestation of darker energy/entities.

There are a few ground rules along with this practice :

* Make sure you have cleansed the room/all your crystals before you start the practice Sage, Frankincense, Dragons Blood, Myrrh all amazing!
* Open windows where possible to allow for flow and energy to release from the area.
* Please be sure to be in a room ALONE with no distractions
* You can choose to place yourself in either a salt circle for the practice Sea Salt - Pink Salt - Rock Salt - or you may choose to put yourself in a crystal circle /grid for extra protection I often use a mix of Clear & Dark Crystals for balance - Clear Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian, Bloodstone, Amethyst, Smokey Quartz, Pink Moonstone are all great!
* Please be ready for a DEEP release especially those who feel they have come into contact with negative energies or entities directly!
* Allow time for rest after this practice preferably no work after / a day after for rest!
* AFTER CARE - Cleanse the room you have been in after this practice to make sure all energies are dissolved & the area is clean again. You can ask your guides in to help you with this too!
* Please drink LOTS of water to help flush away any energies that have been released - this meditation has been filled with Divine Light / Reiki energy extremely potent!
* If you wish to take spiritual self care to the next level with this practice ( for those that know they have been involved in ritual ) you may wish to recite Psalms 22,26,27 & 29 (Verse 1)

PLEASE do reach out if you feel in need of further assistance in ANY way! or If you would like to embark on this practice with me in a live setting!
You can email me 💌theawakeningstar@gmail.com

P.S - If anyone recognised the humming I would be grateul to know. Please do share your experiences if you feel called…

❌ If you are under 18 & felt called to this meditation please do email so we can make arangments to help you - please DO NOT suffer in silence 🫂

Wishing you healing! All My Love ❤️

🕯 🤲


👽 ✨ Current Light Renegade Services & Offerings:

• Personalized Light Language activation recordings for specific intentions.
• Past-Life Regression sessions, to connect to previous Earthly and Galactic experiences relevant to where you are in your current journey; session held via Zoom.
• Inner child healing, to help understand and release old beliefs and patterns of being; session held via Zoom.
• Reiki Healing energy sessions with transcribed messages from guides and the Higher realms £88
• One-to-one sessions to help those looking for a more hands-on healing; session held via Zoom £111

✨ Pay what you can service option ✨

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This channel is meant to provide members of the collective with support in their spiritual growth and personal development; however, is ultimately for entertainment purposes only.

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