The Great Thac0 Debate

1 year ago

Currently, the Table Top RPG community is currently fighting over Thac0 and Ascending Armour Class. As a person who played D&D since the red box set when I was a child, I've played both.

This happens while the Wizards of the Coast continue to disrespect their customers, fans and players. I think most people should put aside silly mechanics issues and realize that Wizards of the Coast are the only people who benefit from a divided fandom.

Instead of talking about how they sent the Pinkertons to harass a gamer who had cards leaked to him, or raising the prices of their D&D Books by 20%, or attacking 3rd party streamers and developers, we argue about mechanics - while WotC uses fake progressive decisions like saying Orcs and Beholders being evil is inherently racist, as is half-orcs and half-elves, as well as winged monkey races in Spell Jammers, and you better like their Race Swapping the Lord of the Rings characters or you're racist.

I will never treat my fans or customers like this. I will fight to be a better company than Wizards of the Coast and never divide my fandom or charge too much for my game.

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