Factors For Increases in ALL Cause Mortality, Toxicity of VaXXXines, 5G Roll-Out & WiFi Radiation

1 year ago

Jun 12, 2023
Source: www.rumble.com/v2trp0o-factors-for-increases-in-all-cause-mortality-toxicity-of-vaxxxines-5g-roll-.html

The meeting discussed excess mortality and its association with electromagnetic pollution. Statistician Anders Brunstad presented a comprehensive study on excess mortality in Sweden, which analyzed the impact of the launch of 3G, 4G, and 5G on mortality rates in different age groups and regions. The study showed a significant increase in excess mortality rates in the age groups above 60 during the launch of these technologies, with foreign-born individuals in Stockholm and Gothenburg showing the highest rates. The study also highlighted the geographical and demographic variations in excess mortality rates, with rural areas and Swedish-born individuals showing lower rates. The study suggested that the higher exposure to real 5G microwave radiation in Stockholm and Gothenburg may be a contributing factor to the higher excess mortality rates in these areas.

The group discussed the potential contributing factors to the increase in all cause mortality, including the toxicity of the vaccine, early 5G roll-out, and the much greater use of wireless communication radiation during lockdown. They also talked about the impact of multiple stressors on excess mortality during the pandemic, including environmental, psychological, and financial stress. The lack of long-term studies on the effects of electromagnetic frequencies on living beings was also discussed, as well as the potential health risks associated with it.

The meeting also touched on the impact of skin color and temperature on health outcomes, the presence of magnetic material in inoculations that act as human antennas for connecting people to the internet, and the varying amounts of this material in different vaccine doses. Dr. Young suggested that sudden deaths may be related to these factors, and that the boosters contain a significant amount of graphene in a capsid of Hydrosol, which is the carrying agent in directed specific areas of the body. Anders Brunstad presented data showing a correlation between the launch of 5G and spikes in excess death in certain areas.

Dr. Young discussed the importance of bicarbonate in maintaining the alkaline design of our body fluids and how it is being suppressed by various factors. He emphasized the significance of the stomach in producing bicarbonate and how taking four salts can help protect us from sickness and disease. Dr. Young also recommended the right kind of water, salt, and exercise to maintain the alkaline design of our body fluids and prevent injury and death.

Robert Young DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner:

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