SoulCast - Step Into Your Strengths

1 year ago

There are so many things happening in our world right now, like fires around the world, especially in Canada where the smoke is drifting down the east coastline where people are being asked to wear masks again. Volcanoes are becoming active around the world. We are seeing changes in the mainstream media with resignations and Tucker Carlson being let go from Fox News.

Over 80 countries are no longer trading in US Dollars causing more inflation and financial insecurity. More bank failures are on the horizon. Word is beginning to creep out about the new Quantum Financial System (QFS). That is something you deserve to check into.

In the previous episodes of SoulCast you’ve been given tools to go within that help you deal with the stresses that come along with these many changes. As you check in with yourself, your own soul and higher power, you will be given the guidance and protection you need. Going into your sacred space also gives you a break from the inundation of information and stress.

I was told that the structures and societal constructs that are no longer in humanity’s best and highest good have to be dismantled and brought down so that something new and better can replace it. We are moving into a new era and higher frequency and dimension. We are being given a clean slate to create a better reality both individually and collectively.

Step into your strengths. Stay grounded, use your crystals to assist you. This week step into your magic, step into your confidence, talents, and qualities. Step into peace. Step into emotion neutrality and loving detachment. Choose the peaceful path. Show more patience, loving kindness and remain in a state of Zen.

Truth and Integrity are also highlighted this week. If we want truth and integrity in our world is must start with us. Speak your truth, Speak the truth, and do your best to be in integrity in all you say and do, and try to have some fun.

Please be mindful of the children around the world that they may be protected, guided and directed. Love them because they are being inundated with things that are too adult and intense for them. We need to let our kids be kids. Allow them to enjoy their childhood.

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• Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and Truth Social @Soululaire
• Love and Gratitude Jar: Venmo @Soululaire-1

Have a week filled with Strength, Courage and Peace
Love you,

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