Field of Dreams: Build it & He (They) will Come~TRUTH CONNECTIONS

1 year ago

Presenting a beautiful clip from the FreakSense TV show entitled: Golden Movie Treasures Episode #2 ~ Field of Dreams…Build it and He will Come...🎬
Thank you 😊 🙏 CF & Coleen
…if you want to meet God Face-to-Face in a place called Pineal Gland, then you must Build it and He will Come, Go the Distance and Ease His Pain…this is one of the very best Movies, EVER, and this scene will have you in tears with just how Beautiful the Truth of God’s Creation is…Father Heaven, Mother Earth and we the Golden Children of the Corn...~ Charlie Freak 🌽

Stars: Kevin Costner⭐️Amy Madigan⭐️James Earl Jones⭐️Ray Liotta⭐️

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Good Stuff
Lisa Bhakti ~ Lioness of God🌟 Light Worker, Awakener & Warrior of love, truth & justice. Digital soldier in NC, USA.
Spiritual mentor/coach, author, speaker

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