Episode 9: Does Planning Paralyze or Help You Thrive?

1 year ago

On this episode of the Emerge Dynamics podcast, we’re revisiting our strategic “dream planning” conversations to cover an objection to the process. The objection is: does all this planning paralyze? After all, if you plan too far in advance, it may become irrelevant. While the objection is understandable, the conclusion isn’t true.

Analysis paralysis is a real thing—but there’s no danger of this happening when you go about the dream planning process properly. Knowing your mission and vision sets the compass of your organization. Objectives and actions set your tactics. These are all important to your company, and it’s necessary to have strategy with execution.

When you create your plan, you never know what’s going to happen. You could come up against inflation, supply chain issues, or other unforeseen events. Should you still make one? Of course. The boundaries you create on the front end keep you from being reactionary, and help you move the company forward no matter what’s happening in the world.

Your plan also helps frame how you will respond to any issues. It gives you the guidance and parameters of actions that could be taken. You can always reflect back on your purpose to keep you grounded. When you have a clearly defined true north, your team can respond appropriately when an off-the-script event happens.

When the world shifts beneath your feet, your plan helps you anticipate changes sooner. Think of your plan as a tool for operating and functioning intentionally and without reactivity. You can actually use this plan to look ahead and know you will keep meeting your company mission and goals. A clearly defined plan is foundational for companies who want to thrive.

Listen to the full episode here: https://emergedynamicspodcast.com/episode-9-does-planning-paralyze-or-help-you-thrive/

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