How To Deal with Toxic People & The Dark Side

1 year ago

Today, We're Discussing How to Handle People with Toxic Personalities or Dark Sides. Simply Put, We Recommend That You Detach from Them and Don't Hang Out with Them. The Issue Arises When These Toxic People Are Connected to You by Blood, Work or Other Relationships.

The Best Way to Fight Off Toxic Issues from Outsiders Is to Strengthen Yourself with The Holy Spirit and Do a Periodic Check-In of Yourself. Utilize The Three Columns Of "What I'm Qualified to Do" "What I Want to Do" And "What I Don't Want to Do" As A Way to Assess How You're Interacting with Others. Don't Succumb to The Idea That Soft Love Is the Only Way - Tough Love Is Sometimes Necessary.

And Be Careful of People's Warnings - Often Times They're Coming from Their Own Ego and Not from God. As You Become More Familiar with The Holy Spirit, It Will Become Easier to Detect Those People and Environments That Don't Match Your Own Peace. Don't Be Afraid to Stand Up for Yourself, Even If It Requires a Confrontation. We Suggest That You Look in The Mirror and Make Sure You're Not Mistreating People - And If You Are, Let the Holy Spirit Guide You in The Right Direction.

We Hope That This Has Been a Helpful Lesson for You - And We Look Forward to Helping You on Your Journey Tomorrow. Blessings!

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