Witches Seen Eating Animals in Backyard - Trans Man Expresses Loneliness

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Date – Monday, June 12th - 2023 – St. Gush ad Azad

Saint Gush ad Azad, whose feast we celebrate on June 12th, was a powerful figure in the Persian Empire during the fourth century. Born into a society that worshipped the sun god Mitra, Gush ad Azad converted to the Catholic faith through the apostolate of St. Bartholomew. However, when Emperor Shapur II decreed a persecution against Catholics, Gush ad Azad, fearing for his life, renounced his faith.

One fateful day, as he was being led to prison, Gush ad Azad encountered Bishop Simeon, a friend and Catholic. But instead of receiving a warm greeting, the bishop averted his gaze with indignation, deeply affecting Gush ad Azad. The eunuch realized the gravity of his betrayal, and his heart was filled with remorse.

Driven by his newfound remorse and a desire for true conversion, Gush ad Azad changed his outward appearance, donning mourning garments in a dramatic display of sorrow. This unexpected transformation drew attention at the royal court, and Emperor Shapur II summoned him to explain his change in demeanor.

In the presence of the emperor and his court, Gush ad Azad confessed his twofold perfidy—betraying his God and the emperor himself. He spoke of his hypocrisy in worshipping the sun while his heart protested the action. Unyielding in his position, Gush ad Azad was condemned to death.

Before facing his execution, Gush ad Azad requested a last favor from the emperor. He asked that heralds proclaim throughout the city of Susa that he was being put to death because of his Catholic faith and refusal to renounce God. The emperor granted his request, and the proclamation echoed through the streets, inspiring and fortifying the faith of the dispersed Catholic community.

Thus, on Maundy Thursday in the year 344, Saint Gush ad Azad embraced martyrdom. His conversion and steadfastness in the face of death became an example of grace triumphing over weakness and a testament to the power of prayer.

We can learn from Saint Gush ad Azad's story the importance of seeking true conversion, even in the midst of our greatest failings. His journey reminds us of the unfailing mercy of Our Lady and the potential for redemption when we turn to her with confidence. May Saint Gush ad Azad intercede for us and inspire us to walk in fidelity and love for God and Our Lady, so that we may one day join him in the glory of Heaven for all eternity.

St. Gush ad Azad, pray for us.

INTRO – Happy Monday

When someone uses the OH MY GOD statement. I say Praise be His Holy Name. I dare you to say it.

And – at 15 past the hour, witches seen eating animals in backyard | trans man expresses loneliness

Also – at 30 past the hour, Michael Whitcraft

Plus – in the next hour, The Witness of Religious Habits and Cassocks

The devil hates the religious habit and the cassock.

As always – we have the fear and trembling game show prize

V/. Heart of Jesus, burning with love for us,

R/. Inflame our hearts with love of Thee.

Let us pray.

LORD, we beseech Thee, let

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The Gospel of the Day – Jn 16,29-33

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