All You Need To Know About Parkinson's, MS, Tremors & The Spine.

1 year ago

In this video, watch me stop tremors, & reactivate dormant muscles "IN SECONDS", to help 9 PD & MS patients regain mobility & flexibility after their neurologists said they would "NEVER" regain their mobility & flexibility again, while telling them their only option was to take drugs, to "manage their symptoms until they die"... We are being duped into thinking diseases like Parkinson's disease, MS, Diabetes, Sarcoidosis & Fibromyalgia etc, are incurable BUT THAT IS NOT THE CASE... MD's are trained to tell us this in medical school training, & are trained to do their best, to keep all patients on drugs, for the rest of their lives. (This is no different from those Government Officials and Mega-wealthy Big-pharma investors who set the goal of striving to have every person on the planet, vaccinated with the COVID vaccine, even though the COVID vaccine was killing people, whilst at the same time, it had proven not to be capable of creating a vaccination end result, &,,, while it was never legally classified as a vaccine...

Big-pharma has put in a lot of effort, over many years, to keep the general public believing that only medical doctors & neurologists have the knowledge & training to treat people diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, MS, Diabetes, C.O.P.D, MSA, Fibromyalgia & other diseases associated with the same symptoms as Parkinson's disease... This is because the medical profession, all aspects of it, are controlled by Big-pharma & drug sales, & do not want chiropractic, massage, postural improvement & accupuncture promoted as a successful treatment for any of these diseases.

Several answers, including "the cure" for these diseases, as well as the "true" causes, are revealed in this video, particularly what role "spinal alignment" plays in the onset of these diseases & the symptoms that are associated with them. (For example, many chiropractors in the USA call the Axis, which is the C2 vertebra, the second vertebra down from the skull, "The Dizzy Bone", because when this vertebra is out of alignment, it most commonly causes dizziness or loss of balance, but Big-pharma does not want the general public knowing this & verifying chiropractic as a successful treatment, as they have trained MD's to prescribe any one, of many drugs created to treat vertigo or loss of balance... A pelvic misalignment can also influence dizziness & loss of balance however, the pelvis is encouraged to come out of alignment by any one of the first 3 cervical vertebra, as a compensation response to the head-tilt that a person develops when the C1 or C2 vertebra are left out of alignment for more than 2 or 3 weeks... And by the way, these vertigo drugs don't actually help, because drugs cannot realign the upper cervical vertebra.)

The thing is, chiropractic is nick-named "The Drugless Cure" because it corrects abnormalities, misalignments or subluxations, which often eliminates symptoms that medical doctors use, to justify writing a prescription. This is why Big-pharma & medical leaders put a lot of effort into discrediting chiropractic... (You only need to do a Google search using the words "Wilk, Chiropractic & Lawsuit" to learn the truth about how much trouble Big-pharma will go to, to try to eliminate the Chiropractic profession from healthcare... Also, Big-pharma pays out "incentives" to doctors & anyone else who sells drugs, & in my opinion, they also give incentives to Government Health Officials so as to entice them to promote drug sales over any & all types of "Drugless Cures" known to man.)

Parkinson's disease, MS, Diabetes, Sarcoidosis, MSA, Emphysema, Fibromyalgia, TM, & many others associated with the same symptoms of Parkinson's disease, ARE "NOT" INCURABLE... This is a belief spread around by Big-pharma, to maximize drug sales, while, in my opinion, giving no respect whatsoever, for the suffering patients.

(I challenge any doctor or neurologist to compete with me in treating Parkinson, MS and C.O.P.D patients over 14 days, in a public setting, to see whether medical or naturopathic treatments get the best results in helping these patients be set free from their suffering. 12-6-23)

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