The Unseen Side of AI | Between Fear and Authenticity | Amihai Loven

1 year ago

The Unseen Side of AI
Between Fear and Authenticity

For over half of my life, I've worked as a high-tech entrepreneur, pioneering cutting-edge solutions that have reached global markets. My direct exposure to the dynamics within industry-leading corporations sets the stage for this piece,

though I must clarify that my insights into the internal discussions of giants like OpenAI, Microsoft, or Google are speculative at best. Yet, I firmly believe that the reality behind their closed doors might differ significantly from our perceptions.

Most people's understanding of artificial intelligence (AI), unless they are directly involved in its research or deployment in these organizations, comes from:

- Interacting with controlled, rudimentary versions of AI such as ChatGPT. This firsthand experience, however, only offers a narrow glimpse into the vast, unpredictable realm of advanced AI.

- The other main source of information—media, both traditional and social—often inadvertently amplifies disinformation.

Interestingly, I propose that even the leaders steering these technological behemoths may find themselves somewhat in the shadows.

This is not solely because of AI's inherent unpredictability, or the unexpected leaps in capacity that arise as the technology evolves. Instead, the obscurity arises from a more profound source: the challenge in predicting and governing how this technology might shape and interact with human consciousness.

The element I believe we all should pay keen attention to is:


What will be the incident precipitated by AI that triggers worldwide panic?

Any number of events could cause such a reaction, and it's plausible to think that such an incident could occur within the next few years. When it does, it won't remain hidden. It will be broadcasted, and controlling the subsequent fear experienced by everyday people will be impossible.

This fear will stem from the growing uncertainty of who truly wields control: Is it governments, organizations, AI, or some new hybrid entity?

This fear, coupled with the blurring of lines between human decision-making and AI influence, raises some pivotal questions:

- How can you ensure your perceptions remain genuine and untainted by fear or external influences such as AI?

- How can you discern whether your actions are truly your own and not subtly orchestrated by AI?

There is much more to unpack within this topic, and for most people, the easy way out is to shy away from these questions, a choice often driven by fear.

But I urge you, do not let fear dictate your avoidance.

Instead, face these questions head-on and seek answers. Strive to find that untarnishable core within you—the authentic voice that is impervious to fear and unsusceptible to bias.

Because, as we grant AI more influence over our thoughts and actions, the need to preserve our authentic self, and therefore our way of life, becomes ever more crucial.

#ai #artificialintelligence #fear #consciousness

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