This Changes Everything... | 5 Week Dopamine Fast | Day 8 | Dopamine Focused Warrior

1 year ago

It is now time to take the next step and begin a brand new dopamine fast. This is going to be the longest one I've attempted yet, being 35 days/5 weeks long. While not being as strict as the previous fasts, it does include a lot of rules and conditions designed to help me break my last addiction (YouTube addiction) and move forward with a renewed passion and vigour towards my dreams and long-term goals. Its time to step into authenticity, to truly commit to becoming my higher self. Join me in the next stage of this amazing odyssey, and always remember, be a warrior, not a victim!

Non-Negotiable Activities:
- No Alcohol/Narcotics
- No PMO (NoFap Hard Mode)
- 30 Minutes Physical Exercise Minimum
- 30 Minutes Meditation Minimum
- Maximum 2 Hours Digital Recreation
- No YouTube Consumption
- No Music
- 30 Minutes Reading Minimum
- 30 Minutes Writing Minimum

Optional Bonus Activities:
A) No Flavourings/Junk Food + 18 Hours Intermittent Fasting (18:6 Diet)
B) Cold Shower/Cold Plunge
C) 1 Hour Digital Recreation
D) 1 Hour Learning German/Working The 12 Steps

Activities that are allowed include:
- Nothing (just mindfully being with yourself)
- Writing/Journaling
- Reading books
- Taking walks
- Setting goals
- Cleaning/tidying up/house chores
- Spending time with friends and family
- Stretching
- Spending time with pets
- Studying or doing a course

Check out Scandinavian Bob (@ScandinavianBob) & Dopamine Foscused Fasting:
Dopamine Focused Fasting -
Scandinavian Bob -
Information on Dopamine Fasting -

Thanks for watching, if you enjoyed please consider liking, sharing, and subscribing!

Feel feel to contact me via Discord:
Yotopian Crusader (3990)

#yohansodyssey #dopaminefast #dopaminefocusedwarrior #dopaminefocusedfasting #warrior

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