The Betrayal | The Outlast Trials (W/ RedBeardDaGreat, Vised62, & TheGhostingCowboy)

1 year ago

Welcome back to The Outlast Trials! In this episode, The ghostiest of cowboys joins our ranks as we go through this hell hole of an asylum. Along the way, we endure BETRAYAL. Can we get the keys and get ourselves out of this prison? Stay Tuned.

Steam: BigBadWolf
EpicGames: BigBadWolf995 BigBadWolf95
Activision/Warzone: BigBadWolf
Twitch: the_real_big_bad_wolf
Xbox: BigBadWolf4200
Twitter: BigBadWolf (@AGoji95)
Instragram: bigbadwolf995
Reddit: TheRealBigBadWolf
Discord: BigBadWolf #8859
TikTok: BigBadWolf9500

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-Vised Stingray:

And there is a channel I am a member of... if you like entertainment and nothing but entertainment come to visit this channel, however, I'll advise you now...EAT YOUR WHEATIES FIRST:

@RedBeardDaGreat @visedstingray4966 @shadetonic2344

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