Working with a partner at a Live-Fire Tactical Event

1 year ago

Firearms Instructors - Are you looking for an exercise for your next shooting event?

In this scenario our trainees are confronted by a sudden threat.

They move to cover and begin shooting, using voice commands to coordinate.

#guns #firearms #2A

Working with a partner at a Live-Fire Tactical Event


In this scenario our trainees are walking along when confronted by a sudden threat. They move quickly to cover and begin shooting at the threat from behind cover. Their objective is to reach safety at the edge of the bay. In order to do this they use voice commands to coordinate their movements with each other. The idea is that one partner is providing covering fire while the other is reloading or moving.

Are you a firearms instructor, or want to become one? Do you want to train beginners? Welcome to New Shooter 101. This is a place for experienced defensive handgun shooters who want to help beginners learn to shoot.

Find out what we have to offer firearms instructors who want to train beginners. Visit our website to learn more: We have videos and lesson plans for training beginners through intermediate-level shooters.

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