Urdnot Wreav

1 year ago

Mass Effect 2 Urdnot Wreav (including the various scenarios) 1080p
I was a great fan of both Urdnot Wrex & Wreav in ME1 & ME2. I see Wreav being on par with Wrex in terms of intelligence and wisdom. Even though they both hold to different views. Big fan of the Krogans!

References: https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Urdnot_Wreav

Sadly in ME3 they decided to butcher him and made him completely unintelligent and even chose an entire different Voice Actor. Jim Cummings voiced Urdnot Wreav in ME2. Roger L. Jackson voiced ME3 version of Urdnot Wreav. I know on the Mass Effect fanpage wiki it list Jim Cummings voicing Wreav for ME3 but that was not the case. I got in touch with the developers at Bioware, they confirmed it was Roger L. Jackson who voiced Wreav in ME3. Why they chose a different VA is very questionable just like how they decided to choose a different VA for Mordin Solus in ME3...

Copyright: Bioware & EA

Jim Cummings:
Internet Movie Database (IMDB)
- https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0191906/
Wiki - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Cummings

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