Episode 120 - The Lies of Fascism

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TPR Historian and Contributor Ronald Boyd joins Jeff. The blatant lies and propaganda is as easy to see as the nose that should be on Biden's face! We'll discuss truth and fiction!

Let Freedom Ring music video: https://youtu.be/7_TBpHQvm1U

TPR Website: https://wwww.redbloodedpatriots.com

America 1st Productions website: https://www.america1stproductions.com

Breaking the Oath Release story: https://www.einpresswire.com/article/635820031/groundbreaking-documentary-film-breaking-the-oath-premieres

Invest in Gold and Silver at: https://kirkelliottphd.com/thepatriotreview/

America 1st Productions: https://www.america1stproductions.com
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