NIMH Ep #551 Paul Pierce Traps Kevin Garnett In Grim Men’s Livestream!

1 year ago

NIMH Ep #551
Paul Pierce Traps Kevin Garnett In Grim Men’s Livestream!

According to Defector
As has been previously documented, the grim men’s evening that cost Celtics legend Paul Pierce his ESPN gig was no fluke. This is not a man who just occasionally stumbles into a brutal night of masculine reverie by chance, but one who is deeply committed to the lifestyle. Pierce does not find his way into a grim men’s evening; he inflicts one upon whatever place he happens to be.

This dynamic was on display again Wednesday night, when Pierce spent over two and a half hours on an NBA Finals livestream with his old teammate, Kevin Garnett. Pierce and Garnett have both recently hopped on the sports gambling gravy train, and so in exchange for what I am assuming is a great deal of money, they are now “creating content” for a sports gambling company. This job requires them to do things like sit in a Las Vegas sportsbook and watch Game 3 of the Finals while having their reactions livestreamed on the internet, so that other people can sit at home and watch them watch the game. It’s like the Manningcast, except without the actual game broadcast rights, and therefore a huge waste of time.

For the first 20 minutes or so of the livestream, Pierce was doing normal drunk-guy stuff. Not yet through the first of what would become many margaritas, he was mostly contributing to the broadcast by leaning into Garnett and mumbling things like, “Jimmy’s a Hall of Famer, Cowl is a Hall ma Famer—Cowl Kowry—Kyle Lowry ... Hall of Famer,” which left KG making a lot of faces like this one:

By the third quarter, Pierce’s drunkenness had shifted from the chatty variety to the near-catatonic. He produced a cigar from somewhere, chewed on it for a bit while staring into space, and then asked if he could light it inside. This kicked off the most lively portion of the livestream, which ended with Pierce getting nailed in the face by a lighter thrown by someone from off-camera.


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