Video 1 - What You'll Learn About Creating Products - Print On Demand For Artists

11 months ago

Welcome to the first step in creating an additional revenue stream with Print on Demand for Artists!!
NOTE: Great news! I used to run an incredible art business program known as the Positive Painters. However, I have dissolved the program to focus on my goals and artwork. So, if you happen to come across any mention of it in the video, please feel free to disregard that information, as those templates are no longer available.

I’m excited to walk you through the exact process where you’ll Create Products using Print On Demand so that you can create an additional revenue stream that will enable you to do more of what you love – CREATE!

What is print on demand and why is it great?
Print-on-demand (“POD”) allows creators to avoid large, risky, and costly minimum quantity orders by leveraging digital printing to produce art prints and products that are shipped directly from the manufacturer to the end-user.

Essentially it allows us creatives to remove the need for an agent to act as your middleman. We work directly with the POD vendor who then creates and ships our products for us. This also means we get a higher profit margin, but it also means we are our marketing agent. This is why I love to use Etsy as my global marketplace provider.

And let me tell you Etsy makes it SOOOOO easy to integrate with Print on Demand Vendors!!!

In this section, we are going to walk through what is needed and how to do it.

What to Expect
In this program, you are going to create 3 products using 3 different images that you own.

Why 3 Products with 3 Images?

I’m an advocate for LEARN – PAINT- REPEAT, the same principle applies to all things that we do. The learning process usually takes 3 times to get into a grove:

The first time you create a Print on Demand Product, you are figuring stuff out, what it is you need, and where is it. This is the step that takes the longest.

The second time you create a Print on Demand Product, you know what to do, you have an idea of where stuff is, now it is a matter of doing it again. Generally, the duration for completion is cut in half.

The third time you create a Print on Demand Product, you know what to do, you can see the pattern and are looking for refinement opportunities.
If you want to really solidify what you’ve learned do it a 4th and 5th time!

This stuff works. And the best part? It’s simple and you won’t need to spend any money to do it.

But, with that being said, you will need to spend some time.

So here’s what you should do first:

Open your calendar and block out at least 90 minutes for 3 consecutive days.

I am going to be giving you the process but you need to give yourself the time. I’ve learned that if you dedicate the space by putting the time on the calendar you are more likely to not allow that space to be filled with other things that can get in the way.

Take the time, mark it down – or someone else will snag the time that you dedicated to yourself!
Download and print the Product - Creation -Checklist located in the sidebar to get an idea of the path, don't worry, we'll go through it step-by-step!

Now You are Ready, Let's take a look at What you are about to do!

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