Freedom News & Education Network Weekly Review 5/28-6/3/2023

1 year ago

Includes parts from several of the trusted sources of FNEN including:

The Ron Paul Liberty Report (
Peter Schiff Show (
Dave Smith’s Part of the Problem Podcast (
Gerald Celente’s Trends in the News (
Andrew Napolitano’s Judging Freedom (
The Scott Horton Show (
The Tom Woods Show ( Podcast (

And a Speech by Thomas Sowell called ‘Economic V. Political Decision Making’ -

1. (0:00:16) - Thomas Sowell - Economic V. Political Decision Making part 1
2. - Tuesday: (a) (0:01:20) - Many democrats call for more support for Ukraine including troops in Ukraine. (b) (0:04:14) - US upset that Chinese diplomat that it sanctioned refuses to meet with them until the sanctions are lifted
3. (0:05:11) - Thomas Sowell - Economic V. Political Decision Making part 2
4. Liberty Report - Tuesday: (a) (0:07:58) the default joke. (b) (0:08:40) Ukraine strikes Moscow with 8 drones. (c) (0:09:51) Zelensky selectively edits comments of war hawk Lindsay Graham to build tensions. (d) (0:12:15) why great nations disappear. (e) (0:12:42) the debt ceiling and inflation. (f) (0:14:30) homeschooling key to preserving liberty.
5. (0:18:16) - Thomas Sowell - Economic V. Political Decision Making part 3
6. - Wednesday: (a) (0:20:12) Ukraine pressures nato to give them membership (b) (0:23:54) drone attack on Moscow
7. (0:25:31) - Thomas Sowell - Economic V. Political Decision Making part 4
8. Trends in the News - Wednesday: (a) (0:26:41) Bill of Rights has turned into Bill of Privileges (b) (0:27:59) Lincoln and Wilson (c) (0:28:59) the Espionage Act (d) (0:30:42) John E. Hoover (e) (0:31:05) George Washington quote (f) (0:31:37) NATO is antithetical to America staying out of foreign wars (g) (0:31:59) coup in Belarus? A convenient excuse for boots on the ground (f) (0:32:43) definitions of liberal (g) (0:33:37) Supreme Court unanimously rules against EPA (h) (0:35:25) not much difference between democrats and republicans especially when it comes to deficient financing (i) (0:36:55) we’re still paying for world war 1 (j) (0:37:47) military budget increases despite mounting debt (k) (0:39:02) Celente makes the case for Napolitano to be RFK’s running mate
9. (0:39:40) - Thomas Sowell - Economic V. Political Decision Making part 5
10. Peter Schiff Show - Wednesday: (a) (0:40:29) who is on the hook to pay for all these deficits? (b) (0:42:44) how AI will affect the market (c) (0:45:14) Fed officials admit that they can’t put the inflation Genie back in the bottle
11. (0:48:20) - Thomas Sowell - Economic V. Political Decision Making part 6
12. - Thursday: (a) (0:50:54) Czech General: ‘NATO on path for war with Russia’
13. (0:52:32) - Thomas Sowell - Economic V. Political Decision Making part 7
14. Part of the Problem - Thursday: (a) (0:53:37) things are not binary (b) (0:54:06) how to form meaningful coalitions (c) (0:56:03) We’re playing for keeps on some monumental issues (d) (0:57:15) one thing that made Ron Paul’s campaigns so valuable (e) (0:58:22) the value of Kennedy (f) (0:58:50) how the tyrants test the waters (g) (1:00:01) the role for libertarians with regard to Kennedy campaign
15. (1:01:52)- Thomas Sowell - Economic V. Political Decision Making part 8
16. Liberty Report - Thursday: (a) (1:04:12) weapons meant for Ukraine ending up in the hands of Cartels on border of US (b) (1:06:59) Biden administration sending more weapons to Ukraine (c) (1:08:28) NATO holding arctic exercises (d) (1:09:23) one way that wars never start (e) (1:10:22) taliban using US weapons to attack Iran
17. (1:11:39) Thomas Sowell - Economic V. Political Decision Making part 9
18. Tom Woods Show - Friday: (a) (1:12:45) the problem with so many interest groups (b) (1:13:23) pin the tail on the real donkey
19. (1:16:38) Thomas Sowell - Economic V. Political Decision Making part 10
20. - Friday: (1:17:48) Russia says Belgrade was shelled on Thursday; if U.S. equipment was used it could lead to escalation
21. (1:18:52) - Thomas Sowell - Economic V. Political Decision Making part 11

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