EXTENDED Novel/Story Excerpt - Original Story About Time Travel and Such!

1 year ago

Excerpt from my original story. This one needed to be longer to get the entire thread out. Still trying to break my channel's shadowban.

I'm also going to try something new here, because I don't know what actually leads to discovery on Rumble. So far, the algorithm seems to be bunk; it doesn't work. I've posted hundreds of videos and only have 1 subscriber, and my videos only have 2 views, tops. So, maybe, there's something I'm missing here? Maybe I need to type a really, really, really big description here? That's what I'm going to put my college try into. So, understand, the videos I am producing here are completely original content, a unique, new story that is written entirely by me. So, it should spur some type of following. The fact that I haven't received any traction is, to say the least, disturbing. To give it justice, it's PTSD inducing, as if I'm being gaslit YET AGAIN, told to move to a "better" video platform only to find out that I get even less traction here than I did on YouTube. Like I said, I'm definitely shadowbanned on YouTube, but even with that, on that platform I still get a handful of views per post, so it's not a complete waste of time. But here? I get nothing, nothing at all. What am I missing?

This is only the beginning. I have said it before, and I'll say it again here: this story I'm writing is going to be absolutely, utterly, unapologetically, gigantic! So far, I have over 300,000 words written, and when I am done with it, it will be upwards of 1,000,000 words, which comes to between 25 to 30 separate published novels of a normal size, each ranging between 250 and 350 pages... So, yea, it's going to be a lot of writing. The fact that I already have 300,000 words done (mind you, in rough, rough, rough, rough, woof, woof! draft form), is a feat in and of itself, a feat of which I am proud if I might say--though, I understand that pride cometh before the fall... Therefore, I'm only a modicum proud. The rest is just grateful for the opportunity to write the story, granted with the linguistic capacity, the wherewithal, the resolve, the intelligence, to make this story a reality. Beyond that, you need to have wisdom gleaned from experience of adversity and how you best reacted to it. That, I think I have a fair amount of. Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm reasonable, maybe I'm foolish; for now, one can't really tell. But what one CAN tell, is that this story is original, and it is more than slightly bothersome that it is receiving NO traction here.

I've kind of done a "shotgun" approach to seeing what works with this video as well. That is, I'm working multiple variables at once in order to see what works. I'm adding a plethora of potentially useful tags in addition to writing a much longer description. While this does not isolate variables, you at the very bare minimum can say that a particular COMBINATION of variables tinkered with either works or does not work. And seeing as how these are the two primary tools that Rumble provides to the content creator, here I am! Prove to me that this is actually a decent working model, because so far I'm not seeing it. Only the very largest of content creators get ANY traction on here. Everyone else is left in the dust. I might just have to stick with Bitchute, because it doesn't look like this model works? Prove me wrong, I ask you humbly. Humble me Rumble. Rumble, are you humble? Does someone need to humble Rumble? Maybe I can stop capitalizing your title, and render a little r as opposed to the capital R? Every little action--or lack thereof--counts. So, again, here I am, trying to see if your model actually works.

What do you think? One of my father's old sayings was, "Could be better, could be worse. Why complain? Nobody hears me." Do you hear me? And if you did, would you care? Because, certainly, I tell you it could be better, and it would be quite difficult for it to be worse, but I suppose it still could be... I could get an electric shock sent straight through to my nipples for every video I post! But, I digress into irrelevancies now, don't I?

Or do I? Would you electrocute me through my nipples? I know that for some people, like foot fetishes, this is a kink for them? I derive no pleasure from it myself, but to each their own, I suppose! What you do in your own bedroom is between you, your significant other, and God. I don't care to know the raunchy details. But whatever. Again, you tell me.

Why, oh why would you throw a very capable person under the bus like this? Why, oh why would you not want someone with a master's degree in electrical engineering, someone who graduated from the Air Force Academy and served in the military for 13 years--many as a pilot, to be heard? Is your algorithm silencing me? Are you manually silencing me? Because your house is built upon sand if you don't figure out how to make this work better.

Ignoring the truth does not mean it isn't there. Sweeping difficult realities under the rug doesn't mean they go away. You're just avoiding addressing the issue, and therefore making it worse through the fermentation of time and pressure. It's going to be very stinky once you lift up that carpet, so, I tell you, don't keep it under the carpet any longer. Figure this out. Why are my videos getting 0-2 views apiece? Why am I not getting subscribers/followers? Why does the quality of my content not matter? Why does the level of originality not matter? Do I need to use Midjourney to create another "Elsagate" situation? I certainly hope not. I didn't even know what "Elsagate" was until Tim Pool mentioned it a couple months ago. Kinda gross, what with a Disney character eventually being made to eat feces in AI-generated videos and all... But those videos were constantly getting traction. What does that say about the algorithms and the way they're designed? I think yours might be even worse if, even after all this work I've put in (and it's been a LOT of work), I'm only getting 0-2 views per video. Go ahead, take a look at my ENTIRE library--which is extensive. Tell me, level with me, what is going on here?

Truly, truly I say to you, this is all original content! Do you see anything like this anywhere else? And no, I'm not talking about time travel stuff. I'm talking about how I SPECIFICALLY do it? I'm going into every nook and cranny, leaving no MacGuffins for anyone to question later on. I want it all explained as best I can explain it. NO SAUSAGE MACGUFFINS! No Red Herrings, lots of dramatic ironies, foreshadowing, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera--just like it was said in that old Disney movie... What was it, Mulan, I think? Eh, I can't remember off the top of my head, all I do remember is that there was a Disney movie from several years ago where one of the main characters took a liking to saying et cetera over and over, in kind of its own irony.

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