The Final Revelation of Jesus Christ - Session 6

1 year ago

This is the sixth of eight messages Doug gave in his interviews with GeorgeAnn Hughes in her podcast, The ByteShow.
Here are my notes:
o “The framework of the coming day of visitation as an eschatological conclusion of the church age – those have not been properly integrated theologically and exegetically into the text (of Revelation 2 and 3).”
o God is going to break in and deliver His remnant at the end of the church age – the surviving remnant.
o “Only the Holy Spirit of God can begin to open up to us the meaning and the significance of the Person that he (Apostle John) sees. It’s the Person.”
o “Can we say that we are here for the testimony of Jesus?”
o “The church, in a representative way, not so much in the physical aspects, but in the moral and spiritual glory, this testimony (of Jesus as the bright morning star) will be at the end, and therefore eclipse all that took place in the Book of Acts. Whatever took place in the Book of Acts, at the end, God will transcend. That has not yet happened. And this is the result of the day of visitation.”
o “’The morning star arising in your hearts’ – plural; that’s the result, the effects of the day of visitation.”
o “To the degree that you and I are progressively conformed to His death, there will be a commensurate and corresponding to Christ in His resurrection. And as we’re progressively brought into conformity with Christ in His resurrection, that means victory over death and victory over sin that is the power of death, and victory over the sin nature that’s still in our body.”
o “As we go on in the Lord, that is as we come more into union with His death progressively, and therefore gradually more and more into union with Christ in His resurrection, that is the staging for us to come into ascension union with Him. Ascension union is victory over the powers of darkness.”
o “At the end, in the day of visitation, there will be a company of people who God has dealt with – dealt with – dealt with; as God vomits out of His mouth the lukewarm Laodicea, and judgment begins at the household of God, through that there’ll be a company that He’ll lay His hand on. When He lays His hand on that people, they’re going to rise up and they’re going to be in the good of Philippians 3:11 exanastasis – out-resurrection from among the dead in a mortal body. That’s the morning star testimony.”
o “The reality of who Jesus Christ in a people at the end will be so great, that the Adversary will be driven back!”
o “Anyone who has not repented in coming in to the potentiality of this reality, they are not going to be among those who are alive and survive unto the coming of the Lord (1 Thess. 4:17). We have to be right with the Lord; we have to get right now!”
o “It’s only when we are dead men that resurrection can occur.”

Resources recommended: a further study of the name and original revelation of God as He revealed Himself to captive Israel as The I Am, listen to Eric Ludy’s recent message: Clothed in Rainbow (June 4).
T. Austin-Sparks: “I… For the Testimony of Jesus”

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