1 year ago

I'm Mineral Access, independent Youngevity "drinker" who loves the Minerals and Tangy Tangerine™ I've been with founder Dr Joel Wallach since 1996 and hosted the Beaumont TX convention in 1997.

IF: Just Drink It for 90 Days?
THEN: Be It @ http://jbell.com is http://jbell.youingevity.com

Levels-States of Consciousness ☥ #VerticalAxis13 ☥

1 Existence, non-biological
2 Instinctual, emotional, animalistic
3 Intellectual, logical, rational mind, ego
4 Creative, imaginative, psychic, intuitive
5 Pure intelligence, insight, love
6 Causal level, soul level (last level of individuality)
7 Oversoul level (group consciousness)
8 Avatar level (a high level of mastery)
9 Christ level (unconditionally loving consciousness)
10 Cosmic level (cosmic consciousness)
11 God level (God consciousness)
12 Universal level (Universal consciousness)
13 The Void, the Great Mystery

Decoding the Matrix (continued)

1st Density: Mineral kingdom
2nd Density: Plant & lower animal kingdom
3rd Density: Higher animal & lower human
4th Density Low: Astral, lower emotional realms
4th Density High: Etheric, higher mental realms
5th Density Low: Causal, creative realms
5th Density High: Soul (last level of individuality)
6th Density: Oversoul (social memory complex)
7th Density: Master oversoul, atmic plane
8th Density: Avatar planes, celestial heavens
9th Density: Christ planes, Buddhic planes, lower God worlds
10th Density: Higher God realms
11th Density: Universal realms
12th Density: The source; the mystery, the Tao
13th and beyond: The void, un-manifested creation

“Minerals are the currency of life” 👍 "By this truth may there be well-being"

#UNSERENITY_PRAYER (How To Stay Distressed)
God, grant me the stubbornness to try to change the
Things I cannot change
Thus Avoiding the Things I could change;
And the Illusion that I do not know the difference.
This allows me to be angry, frustrated and upset and
feeling that it is all their fault.

꧁ 💪 Just Drink It 💪 ꧂
║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ http://jbell.tv
🖐 #Trumpet88 #PearlStreetCafé #90ForLifeCrusade #90ForLife 🖐 #TruthFreedomHealth 🖐#TruthLogicCommonSense 🖐 #JustDrinkIt 🖐 #Cheers ☕


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