THE ORIGIN STORY OF JESUS Part 6: A Reversed Viewpoint

1 year ago

Most theologians begin their discourses with the creation of Adam and move forward chronologically. Their sole focus is the relationship between God and mankind, ignoring the question of why humanity was created in the first place.

Working backwards from the Book of Revelation provides the answer. Jesus stated there was a war in heaven, and when combined with the accounts from Isaiah, Ezekiel, and the Gospel of Matthew, it becomes apparent the Godhead created mankind with a specific purpose. Lucifer was an angel that fomented a destructive space war and accused God of being unrighteous in front of the other angels.

A stay of execution was granted as God set out to prove a creature with a free will who chooses to rebel is also worthy of punishment. A reversed viewpoint offers a glimpse to the pre-Adamic events that led to where we are today.
Sermon Outline:

THE ORIGIN STORY OF JESUS Part 6: A Reversed Viewpoint
RLJ-1793 -- JANUARY 31, 2021

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