1 year ago

What stops the fires burning on the altar? Pay attention to the demonic thermometer that measures if we are lukewarm.

Jesus said: “ “Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations’? Mark 11:17

Do you & I pray more for your own needs than we do for nations? Have we turned God’s house into nearly everything else except a house of prayer for all nations?

I have heard people say: “I am not an intercessor”, OR, “I cant sing”: therefore, I will get you (the one perceived to have a gift of intercession or worship) to pray for me, or worship for me.” Dangerous thinking…

In regards to prayer, are we as Christians; selfish, lazy, lack know how, or just feel disempowered? Or perhaps you are part of the growing army, ensuring the fire on my altar - never goes out. Yes, make me a house of prayer.

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