International excess deaths

1 year ago

Time for an open investigation into all possible causes.

Excess deaths

Week ending 26 May 2023 (Week 21)

11,111 deaths were registered in England and Wales

262 mentioned novel coronavirus (COVID-19), (2.4% of all deaths).

Of the 262 deaths involving COVID-19

64.5% (169 deaths) had this recorded as the underlying cause of death

Number of deaths above five-year average

Private homes 17.3% above, (472 excess deaths)

Hospitals 6.3% above, (282 excess deaths)

Care homes 6.7% above, (137 excess deaths)

Other settings 15.8% above, (130 excess deaths).

The number of deaths registered in the UK

12,528, which was (9.4% above the five-year average)

1,076 excess deaths (282 involved COVID-19).

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