"Guo Act of 2023" is the first bill named after Mr. Miles Guo introduced in the US Congress

1 year ago

6/10/2023 【Miles Insight】Congressman Santos' "Guo Act of 2023" is the first bill named after Mr. Miles Guo introduced in the US Congress. This bill, which originated from Mr. Guo, holds far greater significance compared to previous anti-CCP bills introduced in the US Congress. However, fellow fighters need to judge this matter calmly because the introduction of this bill does not mean an immediate investigation into Mr. Guo's case.
#NFSC #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
6/10/2023 【妮可看七哥】桑托斯议员的《2023年郭法案》是在美国国会提出的第一个以郭文贵先生命名的法案,该法案就是源自于郭先生,其意义远超以往在美国国会推出的灭共相关法案。但战友们需要冷静地去看待这个事情,因为该法案的提出并不会让郭先生的案子马上被调查
#新中国联邦 #消灭中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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