Iron Mountain: What has Changed in 30 years? What will change in 7 more?

1 year ago

Produced by Stewart Best
We need to see this with today's historical information at hand. When this video first came out 30 years ago it was a 'Conspiracy Theory' before the term was even in common usage. The movie was banned from all media at the time. Today Wiki has no listing for either the movie or the publisher. The term Conspiracy Theory in Lance deHaven-Smith's book published in 2013 brought the term into common usage.
Today however it is used every day correctly and incorrectly and often as a derogatory term towards someone who does not comply with the establishment media slant on news.
Governments of the western world have changed the laws allowing false news to be published without containing any grain of truth.
We need to see how the world has been planned for the NWO since the 60's by the rich.
Who are the rich?
Rockefeller donated the land for the UN building in NYC
Rockefeller owns/controls all the pharmaceuticals in USA
Rockefeller was instrumental in the creation of the CFR
Rothschild owns the media that produces the weather news

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