Ch 8 Venom

10 months ago

Ch 8 Venom
Now Spiderman and Silk are now swinging threw the city saving the day being heroes.

The symbiote that left Peter’s suit is still going around the city.

One clear night the symbiote is crossing the road threw the busy street were cars are driving back and fourth.

Until the symbiote got crush by a car and the symbiote got stuck into the tires.

It took a minute for a car to stop .

When the car stops the symbiote went towards the front hood and into the engine so that it can’t not be seen byother humans.

The car is black and white and the driver is a tall guy with a small beard and a black jacket.

The person is name Eddie Brook and he is driving home until his car started acting up because the symbiote is in the engine.

Eddie Brooke went out of his car to check out why his car stoped.

Eddie went out of the in the rain and he open the front of the car and the symbiote jumped on Eddie face.

Symbiote is turn Eddie and to a big black symbiote with teeth and tongue.

Now the symbiote is known as Venom. Eddie’s car is blocking the road.

A taxi cab behind Eddie’s car started honking.
“Hey move your car” said an old angry taxi driver.

The honking does not effect Venom that much because the symbiote got stronger.

“Stop honking” Venom said going towards the taxi cab.

Venom threw the taxi cab towards another car and other people started running away.

At the same time Peter a volunteered at assistant in Oscorps.

He is working with Otto Octavius which he is work with Norman Osborn.

Peter is in Otto’s lab working with Otto for his new projects.

“Here the idea that Im going to make to change the future” Otto said giving Peter the instructions of the model that he making.

There was a drawing of 4 arm robot design. “Doc, what is this”? Said Peter wondering what is Otto planing.

“This is a 4 arm machine, but that just the half of my project” said Otto about to take Peter to show him what he working on.

Otto send Peter to a big room that has a giant medal circle design that fell up most of the room.

“This, my friend we'll become a portal to different universe” said Otto believing that their another universe.

“Peter I want you help me to make this, and I hope they're no mistakes” Otto said thinking about the gilder accident.

“Don’t worry Doc I won’t let you down?” Peter said.

Meanwhile Venom is in the city destroy cars and terrified people.

Silk came to stop Venom.

“Whatever, this thing is its getting stronger” Silk said use her webs.

Silk try hitting cars to make the cars honks but somehow the symbiote is still to strong.
Just annoyed

“Sigh, were Spiderman when you need him?” Silk said wondering were on earth is Spiderman.

Peter is helping Otto Octavius with his project until his phone ranged.

It was Cindy. “Hey,Cindy” Peter said on his phone. “Peter, were are you?” Said Cindy with honking cars in the background.

“Wait what’s going on?” Peter said trying to understand Cindy.

“There that creature again, destroying the street, and I need some help” Cindy said as Silk.

“I will be there” Peter said ,about to leave the lab. “Otto ,something just came up , so I have to go” Peter said to Otto.

“Don’t be long” Otto said knowing that he can’t do everything all by himself.

Peter quickly suited up as Spiderman and he swing towards Silk’s location.

Spiderman saw Venom trying to attack Silk.

“What on earth is that thing?” Spiderman said looking at Venom.

“I am Venom” said Venom about to charge at Spiderman.

“Did that black gooey stuff just talk?” Silk said surprise to the symbiote talk.

Venom is about to charge at Spiderman but Silk quickly threw a car at Venom.

“You are not match for me little girl” Venom deciding to attack Silk.

All of the sudden a screeching sound coming from device from Silk’s suit.
Venom is trying take control ,but the sound annoys him and the symbiote quickly got off Eddie Brooke.

And before the symbol goes Spiderman got It with his web and thew to a near by trash can and he web the trash door so it won’t escape.

Later Peter went back to Oscorps to help Otto. “Ah Peter Im almost done with the project, I made something that could help me hold the Portal together.

Otto took Peter to a near by sheet, he uncovered it showing 4 strong Steel Arms and a metal vest that connect to the arms.

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