UFO File Wars & Government Opsters- Dark Journalist (June 8th)

1 year ago

Source: DarkJournalist

Dark Journalist shows on Youtube

Dark Journalist spends the whole show on the fake alien invasion as over the past 5 years, the intelligence agencies have sent their agents out to pretend they want FULL DISCLOSURE about UFO's/Aliens. Dark Journalist is good at exposing these people like this current ex-Pentagon UFO investigator 36-year old David Grusch.
Chris Mellon (From the wealthy Melon Family), Tom Delonge, and Luis Elizondo have been out there for a few years pushing the CIA AGENDA. Dark Journalist talks about UFO expert Richard Dolan and many others in this episode.

A couple Mainstream Media appearances that Luis Elizondo has been on pretending that he is a real truther out for full UFO disclosure from the Government.
Ex-UFO program chief: We may not be alone

Tucker: What would be the justification for holding back knowledge of UFOs from the public?

Dark Journalist mentions the prediction of retired NORAD officer Stanley A. Fulham in his book "Challenges of Change" https://www.amazon.com/Challenges-Change-Stanley-Fulham-ebook/dp/B0080BWQBW back in April 2010 saying on October 13th 2010 UFOs will show up over New York City and he died less than 2 months after that. He was involved with Channeler Rik Thurston who died the next year in 2011.
CBS runs the UFO footage over New York City on October 13th 2010

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