Learn Colors, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Numbers and Songs for Kids. Alphabet Number

1 year ago

Hello guys, first of all I want to tell you that this video is specially made for kids and through this video nursury kids will study #abcd This video is so entertaining and funny because this is

an cartoon video which is made for kids

entertainment and knowedge.

Every nursury kids should watch this full video for knowedge and entertainment. If a new born baby or nursury kid is watching this video then they should prefer this video because it is so entertaining and knowedgeable. If you are a parent then let your kids watch this video for knowedge and entertainment both.

#aforapple #aforapple #aforapplebforball #aforapplebforballcforcatdfordog #aforaeroplane #aforapplepoem #aforappleabcd #aforapplebfor #aforapplesong #aforapplebforballcforcat #aforapplesong #bforball #cforcat #cforctdfordog #dfordog #dfordonkey #eforelephant #fforf ish #gforgrapes #cow #cowsongs #cowvideos #cowvideo #applesong #ball #balloon #cat #cats #catlover #catvideos #dog #doglover #dogs

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