TR3B Astra - Myth to Reality

1 year ago

The TR-3B is what many claim to be, a nuclear powered flying triangle, capable of phenomenal speeds. Some even claim that it was made using alien technology... reverse engineered from alleged captured space-craft.

This mysterious black triangle has reportedly been sighted at various locations all over the world. The TR-3B is commonly presumed to be the product of the "Aurora" black project. According to various sources, it is the most classified of top secret projects.

Edgar Fouche, an avionics expert, who claims to have worked at area 51 and knows others who have seen the TR-3B, has revealed some of the TR-3B 's technology. From his presentation we know the following: It is "alien looking", pitch black, triangular, seen at the Groom Lake facility, settles vertically on the tarmac, it is massive and measures about 600 ft across, radiates a corona of silver-blue light, the first US vehicle to use "quasi crystals" in its outer skin, it is funded by the NRA NSA and CIA, on radar the TR-3B can appear to be almost anything from a bird to a small plane, it is nuclear powered, has a Magnetic Field Disruptor which is a circular accelerator, the circular accelerator is mercury based, rotates at 60,000 rpms, pressurized at 250,000 atmospheres and supercooled to 150 degrees kelvin, this results in the TR-3B becoming 89% lighter and also reducing G forces by the same amount.

Here is an account of what I saw: Two gigantic "plasma" circles, one fluorescent green circle, and another white circle, which seemed to collide (somehow it seemed as if one circle went Infront of the other one in a downwards direction) in the sky, and that was then followed by an enormous flash(may have been 2 flashes) which covered the entire horizon, no sound at all. I witnessed this event one night, about 1.30am, circa 1999-2000, when the US navy was located in the Adriatic sea, at the time of the Serbia-Kosovo conflict. I was standing on my terrace in Split, Croatia, it was a warm night and I was looking out over the Adriatic sea.

My guess would be that the light source of the round "plasma" circles was located somewhere in the central Adriatic, south-west of the island of Vis, between Croatia and Italy. I had no idea what the lights were, I quickly woke up my brother in the other room, and I told him of what I had seen, we then waited and watched but there wasn't a repeat event.

I had no idea as to what it could have been, until recently, when I came across footage of a TR-3B which was apparently filmed over Paris: The black triangle slowly comes into view, stops mid-air and then tilts as if to allow the pilots to have a ground view, then a white circular light radiates from its centre, causing a perfect white circle and subsequent flash (exactly the same as what I had seen)! This footage which some viewers claim to be a hoax, seems very convincing to me: I actually think its real. What really convinces me is the round light... it appears 2 dimensional, not 3 dimensional,(just like a spherical white street lamp, which seems 2 dimensional from a distance, but is actually 3 dimensional) and the circle isn't a glow with fuzzy edges, it is a circle with a defined edge, as if the light source is contained. And that's exactly what I saw that night.

It is interesting to note that an enormous triangle UFO was sighted by many people on the island of Pag, Croatia, in 1967. Various police patrol radio conversation transcripts bare testimony to the event. A drawing was put together by people who saw the object, and it looks a lot like the TR-3B. The object apparently made it's way over the island, slowly and at low altitude.

Some people claim that the "black triangle" TR-3B is a NWO police enforcement vehicle, and that it's true purpose is yet to be made public, through some future course of events. It is also interesting to note that there were a number of sightings of the TR-3B over Belgium... Belgium is apparently the centre of the worlds banking elite. Some people also claim that TR-3Bs are often seen travelling in pairs... and often seen over war-zones.

Anti gravity technology advances began gathering pace, coinciding with the infamous confiscation of Nikola Tesla's personal research and theory notes. Soon after, anything to do with antigravity, research etc... became top secret, confidential, and it is anyone's guess as to what they had discovered...

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