1 year ago


Same as posted video
*clipped*- Meri Crouley 6 3, 2023

Juan talks about the founding of this great nation. Then touched on the Finney Revival.
Charles Finney, a Presbyterian minister, asked God why he was not seeing the results as depicted in the Book of Acts of the Apostles.
The worship of Satanic beings is a National disgrace. The Satanic Abuse is a hindrance to men receiving the gospel.

Gene Decode has an Envisioning Prayer on his Telegram channel. Envisioning (seeing, looking at) the release of the Children who are in cages in the DUMBs.

Charles G Finney

The great revival of 1800s lecture

Early Nineteenth Century Revivals 1800s: Frontier and Missionary Revivals PDF
In Contrast
This is the system of delusion we currently live IN
Slaves No More

If You Need To See It In Print
I Now Set You Free!!

I am not trying to explain WHEN the world will crash.

I am trying to explain HOW the world may crash.

What, would unite the world by a common experience. I have always said, the change must occur under a common worldwide experience.
Like an Asteroid.
Like a Solar Flare.
Like the Sun Going Dark.
Like the Earth Flipping Polarity.
The Earth groaning Under The Weight Of Sin.

Our Sun Has A Record

Yes, I’m sorry to say, it’s True. Our Sun Has Flipped-Out Before.

Amplified Bible
Acts 2:17-21 especially v. 20

17 ‘And it shall be in the last days,’ says God,
‘That I will pour out My Spirit upon all mankind; And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, And your young men shall see [divinely prompted] visions,
And your old men shall dream [divinely prompted] dreams;

18 Even on My bond-servants, both men and women, I will in those days pour out My Spirit
And they shall prophesy.

19 ‘And I will bring about wonders in the sky above
And signs (attesting miracles) on the earth below,
Blood and fire and smoking vapor.

20 The sun shall be turned into darkness
And the moon into blood,
Before the great and glorious day of the Lord comes.

21 ‘And it shall be that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord [invoking, adoring, and worshiping the Lord Jesus] shall be saved (rescued spiritually).’
Calling on the name of Jesus who is Christ Jesus, he is a pure and holy Consciousness.

This same Jesus who died on a rough Cross that you may live.

The same Jesus who until this day bears the marks of the crucifixion in his body.

If you will call upon the name of Jesus.

Invoking the Name Above All Names; Jesus. You will be rescued spiritually.

Please give up that one thing that binds you to this world
Renounce the evil of our day.

God, who faithful, will respond to you.
I can’t tell you how or where, but you will hear God’s voice and you will comprehended.
The Sun Is Going Dark
I am not talking about
New York enveloped in smoke

As a society, we are at an Apex of huemanity. We can slide into slavery, as we have done so many times before, or we can raise our consciousness by looking to Jesus Christ, to live a circumspect life; by giving to others what we have been so freely given.

Living freely to give and to receive, is just a foretaste of the New Heaven and the New Earth.

Remember: When you need courage. Fighting courage, it will be given you.

And when needed, you will be given dying courage.

And on the outside chance you live, you will be given living courage.

If you have made it thus far, into the storm, you will be given the courage to look on the aftermath of the carnage of the storm.

I am merely telling you what you already know.
It’s going to get
Real Ugly
Real Fast,
Real Soon

Our Sun has gone dark before as recorded in the Bible.

Amplified Bible
Exodus 10:21
21 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand toward the sky, so that darkness may come over the land of Egypt, a darkness which [is so awful that it] may be felt.”

One of the plagues brought by God through Moses to convince the Pharaoh to let My people go.
There was darkness over the Land

If you are a witness of the Sun going dark. Then you will also be a witness to what the storm dredged up from the bottom of the hell.
Think on that!

Some of the ones you thought were “white hats” were spies, spiders, scorpions, mites, and ticks, parasites all.

I don’t know who they are, but the fact we are in an information War, leaves no doubt, there is spy v spy vs double spy.
Count on infiltration.

All men serve someone or something. You cannot have two masters. For you will love the one and hate the other.

Matthew 6:24 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+6%3A24&version=AMP

Amplified Bible
Isaiah 5:20
Woe (judgment is coming) to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness;
Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
The Storm brings Truth, Justice and Light.
The Storm exposes the Darkness and Lies.
The Storm returns freedom to the people.
Why? Man is made from the dust of the earth.
And he has the breath of God breathed into our nostrils to make us a living soul.

Not so Cain’s bloodline of the Reptile. Satan treated Eve as a brood mare.

She was bred by the Reptilian god Satan, by beguiling another man’s wife, impregnating her with reptile semen producing a hueman-chimera. Half reptile-half-hueman producing a chimera.

Cain breathed forth hate and chicanery coming from the womb.

Covered with a mat of hair like Esau, who sold his birthright for a bowl porridge. And even like Adam, who sold us out our birthright

This same Adam who carelessly handled the sure Word of God.

God held Adam to a higher standard, Adam was the head of his household. Responsible for everything and everyone under his roof.
He should have known better.

Cain since his birth, had a deep seated anger and looked for an occasion to murder his brother Able.

Cain’s bloodline is the most unfortunate in their psyche. It’s always the same, they kill, maim and murder.

And so it has been from time-in-memorial; a cosmic bloodline feud, even in our far flung part of the universe.

The glorified Antichrist sparkles with his bejeweled outerwear to cover his craven heart.

Why is Satan the god of this world?
Because, his vice regent Cain, is the first born on this terrestrial sphere.
Cain is the Antichrist.

I know, I would like to believe I am awakened.
The amount of strong delusion we have had sprayed upon us, is measured in tons per person.

When the Great Awakening is fully arrived there will be a time of unparalleled euphoria in our new found consciousness.

The Religious, they will be in denial and will need a powerful therapy to help them cope with all of lies they have imbibed.

tHey want you to continue to look into the dark. Hoping you will go blind trying to make sense of the foul dark shapes dancing dervishes on the black mirror.

Not you, my God created friends.
You have all of the colors on your palette to paint the world in the brightest of colors.

The Signs Are Every Where

A new climate change idea - block out the sun with bubbles in space

What we have learned as we have shown last week is that major events usually fall on the number 68.

1) World War I 28 07 1914
28+07+19+14= 68

2) World War II 01 09 1939
01+09+19+39= 68

3) Now beginning of action 24 02 2022
24+02+20+22= 6

Next three dates that =68 are 5/20/2023, 6/19/2023 and the next date is April 20, 2024.

Based on the above and below, our decode leads us to events beginning around May 19, and based on “Done in 30” as stated by Q, we should be past all of this by June 18-20, 2023.

We appear to be headed to that place of Dark to Light as also stated by Q, over this period.

The birthdays of so many fall between, JFK on May 29 (and Memorial Day), Marylin Monroe on June 1st, Anastasia Nikolayevena, Melania’s grandmother on June 5,

Donald J Trump on June 14,
Princess Diana July 1……

Remember, Jacqueline Kennedy died on May 19. And DJT came down the Golden Escalator on June 16, 2015 at Trump Tower. So many coincidences…..

Think about it….with all that is coming out, this D5 Avalanche of exposure we are all witnessing, and remember not everything has to come out prior to events taking place.

Read over the below, using your God given discernment.

Biblical - The Dark Day
May 19, 1780 - (Between 10 AM and 11AM) More on May 19, 1780 in video below.

The New England Dark Day was the darkest day of the American Revolution – a day as dark as night, a day when a candle was needed to see anything outside at noon.

On May 19, 1780, the sun came up as usual, but then the skies over New England darkened as far north as Portland, Maine, and as far south as New Jersey. There George Washington, fighting and losing the Revolutionary War at the time, recorded the “Dark Day” in his diary.

“Heavy & uncommon kind of Clouds–dark & at the same time a bright and reddish kind of light intermixed with them–brightning & darkning alternately”.

The Dark Day inspired terror, panic and puzzlement. Men prayed, women wept. Thousands left work and took to taverns and churches for solace. Children were sent home from school. Bewildered chickens went to their roosts, frightened cattle returned to their stalls, the night birds whistled and frogs peeped as they did at midnight.

The Boston Gazette later made the following statement, which shows how the phenomena affected both sun and moon:

"There was the appearance of midnight at noonday. . . . The wind in the evening passed round further north where a black cloud lay, and gave us reason to expect a sudden gust from that quarter. The wind brought that body of smoke and vapor over us in the evening (at Salem), and perhaps it never was darker since the children of Israel left the house of bondage”.

By 10:00AM the sky had turned dark. A deep shadow had fallen and “everything bore the appearance and gloom of night.” Noonday meals were served by candlelight. The newspaper known as the Massachusetts Spy reported that one “could scarcely see to read common print, [and] it was the judgment of many that at about 12 o’clock…the day light was not greater, if so great, as that of bright moon-light”, no object was discernible but by the help of some artificial light.” Samuel Savage of Weston could not even read his watch, even as he stood by his window. His neighbor was forced to quit spreading manure in his field as he was no longer “able to discern the difference between the ground and the dung.” At Sudbury, Massachusetts, Experience Richardson remarked that “it was so terrible dark …that we could not see our hand before us.”

In Connecticut, the legislature adjourned after looking out of the chamber windows and then hurried home to their families.
A quote from
SusanW1007 Telegram

Continued from above
A quote from
SusanW1007 Telegram
The members of the Council of Safety lobbied Senator Abraham Davenport to do the same, as the “Day of Judgment” may very well be at hand, but he reportedly (and very wittily) said, “The day of judgment is either approaching, or it is not. If it is not, there is no cause of an adjournment: if it is, I choose to be found doing my duty. I wish therefore that candles may be brought.”

Religious people clutched their Bibles, sure that doom was coming. A number of biblical passages referred to sudden darkness and attributed it to Divine Retribution and the Lord’s Day of Judgment. Most then, thought that the Second Coming was at hand and that surely “the end was nigh.” Needless to say, they rushed to the churches to repent.
And, if you remember from Biblical History, God had promised Man he would never Flood the Earth again as he had during the time of Noah in Genesis 9:11: “This is my promise to you and I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off anymore by the waters of a flood: nor shall there be a flood to destroy the Earth”

Our team believes that God intervened because shortly after the Dark Day event, the tides changed for General Washington and the fledgling Nation that ultimately became the United States.
And then in 1960, U.S. Sen. John F. Kennedy mentioned the “Dark Day” during a campaign speech in North Carolina on September 17:

“During the American Constitutional Convention, just before the Convention, there was in Hartford, Connecticut, one day a storm which overcast the United States, and in that religious day men fell on their knees and begged a final blessing before the end came. The Connecticut House of Representatives was in session and many of the members clamored for immediate adjournment. The Speaker of the House, one Col. Davenport, came to his feet and he silenced the din with these words. "The Day of Judgment is either approaching or it is not. If it is not, there is no cause for adjournment. If it is, I choose to be found doing my duty. I wish, therefore, that candles may be brought."

I hope in a dark and uncertain period in our own country that we, too, may bring candles to help light our country's way”.


What caused the mystery of the Dark Day? - BBC News (https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-18097177)

The New England Dark Day, May 19, 1780 - New England Historical Society (https://newenglandhistoricalsociety.com/new-england-dark-day-may-19-1780/)

Ministry Magazine | The Moon Phenomenon of May 19, 1780-No. 1 (https://www.ministrymagazine.org/archive/1943/04/the-moon-phenomenon-of-may-19-1780-no.-1)

SusanW1007 Telegram

Blocking out the Sun

History Guy
New England's "Dark Day." May
19, 1780

Is this report spurious?
As you well know, I love a good story. True or Untrue!
Watch it till the end

The Signs Are Every Where

Blocking out the Sun using bubbles
Believe It Or Not
You signed up for the Revelation main event.
What a fortunate people we are to live in this day in age.
We won the reincarnation Lottery.
I know you’re thinking. Oh yeah, what a lucky man am I.

Emerson Lake and Palmer
Lucky Man

You wanted to be here on the largest day of the Declaration of Freedomand Independence from Ol’ Split-hoof’s agent on Earth.

tHey made themselves to be masters when Split-hoof backed them up.

tHey made themselves to be slave masters and Huemans to be slaves.

But you are a Grand God Breathed Hueman, you cannot be kept down forever.

Break lose from your heavy chains.

tHey put weights on your feet to keep you down.

tHey knew the day would come, when you would realized who really are, a Child of the sovereign God, a Prince in our Solar System
When you realize who you are; the shackles will fall off your ankles.

I don’t hear any shackle chains rattling.

Rattling Chains scares the literal Hell out of Split-hoof and his minions on the Earth.

tHey may just get tHeir desire, this world to tHemselves, when the Hueman Race leaves for another dimension.

A New World and a New Heaven made for the Awakened and Living Huemanity.

You have a ticket to ride, its written on your DNA. When the train get ready you’ve got to go.

When The Lord Gets Ready You Got To Move

Watching the chains fall off is a grand sight. The power rightly belongs to our God, our Source of all joy, kindness, strength and love.
John’s Vision on the Isle of Patmos.
Amplified Bible
The New Heaven and Earth
Revelation 21:1-4
There is a great upheaval coming, it is a three fold – in the Scare EVENT.

Financial crash

Spiritual crash

Perspective crash

The Event Will Change How we perceive reality

Global Financial Crisis Looming
Short Read

United Nations to collapse soon.
Gesara News

Freddie King
“Going Down" -

[ Benjamin Fulford described the, soon to occur Event “as the Earth is going through a birthing process.”]
God’s Unfinished Man
I feel as though some bristle at the thought of someone telling them, what they can or cannot do.

These are the thoughts of someone who has never disciplined themselves or has never been a supervisor or a parent.
Or possibly it is the person who doesn’t comprehend the value of discipline.

It is a rare man or woman who has no one to answer to for their life decisions. Even though I am the husband of one wife, I still owe her an answer for my conduct.

Even though I have one adult child, if I were to accidentally harm myself, it may be she who has to care for me. I owe her answer for my conduct.

I have one God, who I have pledged my honesty, my integrity, my love to him. To him I owe an answer.

Some of you have never been loved by anyone, let alone by God. This to is a romance.

You have never known love, what it means to be loved by God.

I have felt the purifying fire of God’s endeavor to bring out the dross by the Holy Spirit dealing with wrong attitudes in my life. Attitudes is the springboard from which you leap into action.

God has dealt with my cavalier attitude. So soon to cut people off for giving me, for what I perceived to be a foolish answer.
God dealt with me about a
Sense of Superiority.

God has dealt with me about how I write in a harsh tone. Not allowing for different opinions and the ability of others to share their thoughts In writing.
God dealt with me about
Using harsh sounding words. Insolence

God has dealt with me about how much I like to share my opinions, about others, to people who are unconnected.
God dealt with me about

Embellishing a story, to make a story appear as larger, full to the brim than it really is.
God taught me about what’s wrong with;
Creative Lying.

About the clothing i wear.
I have told you I will not tell you what to wear.
No, no, no, that’s God job to tell you what wear, what to eat, how to act.

God dealt me about the type of clothing I purchase and what I wear.
God taught me about
Modesty in all areas of my life.

God has dealt with me about how I spend money. Where I spend money.
God taught me about being a

God dealt with me about my possessions. In the beginning I wanted to be rich. “The one with the most toys; wins!”

Then God taught me that like my body did not represent me; and so possessions do not represent me, either.
God dealt with me about possessions.
Keep a light hold on the things of this world or they will possess you.

That’s over 30 years of God working me over. Molding, shaping me on the potter’s wheel. At best, I am a still a cracked pot.
Reference Jeremiah 18

Looking down on others who don’t know as much as I do about a particular subject. God dealt with me about mental acuity.
Acting with Moral and Intellectual Superiority

I would allow my self to be drawn into a disagreement. Pretty soon, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Then I would be filled with hated and my next retort. God showed me the end of anger.

Anger leads to depression and more anger again, at myself. Then self pity.
A downward spiral of emotion.
God helped me see the length, the depth, how far ranging is anger?
Emotional Dark Hole Traps

I learned from an attorney friend. I asked him once. “Aren’t you concerned about what the other party is going to do?”

The attorney friend said. “I try not to presume what the other party in a law suit is going; to do.
If I do, I rob the client in front of me.
And I rob myself of a perfectly good afternoon.”

I have had to learn to shake off anger, anxiety, and the disgust.
One method I have used is to thank God for his wonderful provision toward me.

I have found it is nearly impossible to thank God and be angry at someone, or to have anxiety; at the same time. I have been known to spend a lot of time thanking God.
I’ve learned
To be Patient-Calm in the Storm

I have learned, who God is. He always has my best interests at heart.
I have learned to trust him for my income, my needs and even desires.
First, I do all I can to provide for myself, then when I see I’m going to come up short.
I ask my Heavenly Father for what I need.
The lesson of I have learned,
Faith in God, Trust and Obey

Most people think it is good to have a Transitory mindset. I bent the rules, not the law of God nor the law Man, but the rules. Arbitrary rules of the Corporate Office.
God had to deal with my

To recognize you have a carnality issue, is half the battle. God is here to work on the entire man.

It’s not how much you can get!
It’s not what you can get away with!
Life is how much you can give away!

Curtis Mayfield & The Impressions
- People Get Ready (1965)

The staple Singers
Let Me Ride

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Bits N’ Pieces of what may be of interest as;
Tuaoi Stone A Mystic
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Juan & Nino

Sean David Martin
Inca’s Dream clipped

[ Benjamin Fulford described the, soon to occur Event “as the Earth is going through a birthing process.”]

Benjamin Fulford Update Today June 8, 2023 - Benjamin Fulford & Roseanne Barr

We know through the gestation process; there comes a day, ready or not, here comes a new life into the world!
All Khazarian are Jews
Not all Jews are Khazarian

All Yakuza are Japanese
Not all Japanese are Yakuza

All Costanostaas are Italian
Not all Italians are Costanostaas

All Medellín are Mexican
Not all Mexicans are Medellin Cartel
There is a great upheaval coming, it is a three fold – in the Scare EVENT.

Financial crash

Spiritual crash

Perception crash

A Change In How we perceive reality will occur.
This is only one way our perception may change.

The Why Files
Bending Time: The Successful
Time Travel Experiments using K...

Even at this hour, I am hearing another date pushed out to April 20, 2024 = 68.
I would like to it to be June 19, 2023.

For those those who need or desire a deeper walk with Jesus the Christ Consciousness. People forget or don’t know, Christianity is a powerful force.

Did Jesus desire the Cross.

John 7:6-8
Amplified Bible
6 So Jesus said to them, “My time has not yet come; but any time is right for you.
7 The world cannot hate you[since you are part of it], but it does hate Me because I denounce it and testify that its deeds are evil.
8 Go up to the feast yourselves. I am not going up to this feast because My time has not yet fully come.”

And yet Jesus went up to Jerusalem after the Disciples had gone. So he would not be noticed by [Khazarian] Jews because they were stalking his movements. Hoping to gain an advantage over Jesus.

Amplified Bible
Luke 9:23
23 And He was saying to them all, “If anyone wishes to follow Me [as My disciple], he must deny himself [set aside selfish interests], and take up his cross daily [expressing a willingness to endure whatever may come] and follow Me [believing in Me, conforming to My example in living and, if need be, suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in Me].

*I trust there are some Crucified Christians, dead to the world, among us.

The old time Christians called it the deliverance from the death of the old man of sin. The old time Baptists called it the Second Salvation.

The old time Methodist called it the Sanctification (set aside for God’s use) of the soul as a Second Definite work of grace.

A man better not enter the ministry without the a deliverance from the carnal nature.
The enemy of your soul will crush you because of the lust of flesh, the longing for bigger and better, always looking for the stability of worldly things. These are not of the Father but they are of “the world.”

1 John 2:16

What causes every minister of Gospel to fall. In the Political world these things don’t matter.


With Christ in Jesus enthroned on the crown of the soul, he or she is a powerhouse, a weapon in the hands of God.

The Soul Stirrers
Lead Me To Calvary

Amplified Bible
Galatians 2:20
20 I have been crucified with Christ [that is, in Him I have shared His crucifixion]; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body I live by faith [by adhering to, relying on, and completely trusting] in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.

Who will deliver me from this body of death (this carnal nature)?
I thank Christ Jesus who gives me constant victory over the carnal mind.

As a Christ man, as a Christ woman, you have more than you have been led to believe.

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