The Son Husband Simp - MGTOW

1 year ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, When I was a baby I was adopted by an older couple. This is called a hillbilly retirement plan. Older people in the South who’ve saved nothing for retirement will adopt a kid of sufficient age so that the kid can go to work and provide money for the household as the people reach retirement age. They also get money and food stamps from the government for the adoption. This dead end was supposed to be my fate. Unbeknownst to them, I was too much of a natural tactical thinker for this to ever work. My dad passed away when I was six. My mom and myself had to survive on government assistance. I excelled in school as I saw this as my only avenue of escape from this black hole. When I was older, my mom told me I was adopted. How my birth mother had tried to drown me when I was a baby. Whether this is true or not I can’t say. Or whether she was afraid of my birth mother showing up and taking away her support mechanism. I worked my butt off paying for and eventually graduating college with a well paying STEM degree. The entire time my mom kept trying to get me to drop out of college and go to work for minimum wage at the aluminum factory. She wasn’t very bright. TWO WEEKS after graduation, I got a letter from my birth mother telling me how I could get in contact with her if I wanted. Someone in the family must have gotten in touch with her. I had never heard anything from her my entire life. Now that I’d graduated and would be making nice money, suddenly she wants to get in touch. Convenient timing. I told my adoptive mother and it really freaked her out. I looked my birth mother up on the internet. Complete train wreck. I debated with myself about what to do. What would Sun Tzu do? I had already spent my life dealing with one parasitic female, I didn’t need another glomming onto me. It was hard, but I decided the best course of action was not to contact her. A few years after graduation, my now elderly adoptive mother passed away. She only had $6000 to her name. I hid this knowing the relatives would try to take it and leave me stuck with the funeral bill. She left everything to me and $100 to a couple of family members. I took a couple of photo albums and let the relatives take whatever they wanted from her apartment. They swept in like vultures. I took pictures of everything they took because I was expecting shadiness. After the funeral, I was twenty feet from the grave when one of my female relatives said in a spiteful way “Aren’t you supposed to give me $100?” Angry, I said, “I’ve given you thousands of dollars worth of stuff. And I have pictures of it all. If you want to get a lawyer and sue me for $100, good luck.” I’m now retired early and never saw any of them ever again. It’s popular nowadays to claim victimhood, but if we choose a life for a reason, I have to look back on this as a really challenging tactical obstacle course." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the sad story you sent me on mothers day of being let down by your biological mother only to be adopted to potentially get used as a son-husband working in the aluminum smelters. Do you know why your step mother told you that you were adopted? It was probably to bad mouth your biological mother the way that mothers typically bad mouth a man's biological father so that they favor their mother over him. She dumped a ton of emotional trauma onto you so that you would bond with her, your step-momma. She was right to do that because after you graduated your biological mother got in contact with you. They are like those women that date guys briefly in their early twenties, break their hearts and then wait to see if they make it big and suddenly they pop back into their life seemingly out of no where. But they planted the seeds of a relationship in the guys formative years. In your case two vultures with vajayjays fighting over you. Of course it freaked out your step mom when the biological one contacted you. She had invested twenty year of her post wall life raising you.

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