Sonic and Elise Vs. Sonic

1 year ago

Hello humble viewer, and welcome back, to another video, on the True Blue Youtube channel.

In today's video, I offer you some publicly available info. Elise. We all hate her, very few will argue that. Despit the hate though, have you ever wondered if Elise actually made Sonic stronger in 06, or weaker perhaps?

No, you haven't? Ya, me neither. But meh, today we will see the ultimate battle anyways! Is Sonic stronger with or without Elise!? Watch to find out, the ending will surprise you! Lol.

Anyways, I hope you somehow enjoy this one lol. It was pretty fun to make, tbh. With that out of the way guys, be sure to like, comment, subscribe, and share! Also, remember to comment your future video ideas down below as well, so I can add them to the future video list!

And, that's pretty much it! So, have a good day everyone, and until next time, I'll seeya later!:)

Mods used created by me. Ya, I know, epic, right? (Not actually that epic.)

Also guys, please follow me on Twitter. If I was a millionaire I would pay you to follow me on Twitter. Well, ok, actually I wouldn't, but still:

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