7 Days to Die - Goodbye, A20

1 year ago

With Alpha 21 due out in a couple of days, myself and my buddy decided to do a last whirlwind few POIs before needing to wipe my world and begin a fresh. This was pretty much his first experiences of 7 Days to Die and he enjoyed it a lot :)

Just FYI: We are using CHEATS, as we have no time to level up - so most of our equipment was cheated in through the creative menu. We are doing what is a top-tier mission in a sky scraper and we're going to blast our way to the top.

7 Days to Die is a zombie survival crafting game - like Minecraft, but less cartoony if not more realistic, with an emphasis on the minutiae of survival. Hunger and thirst, exposure to the elements, dysentery (if you're into that) ... and, of course, zombies.

Not forgetting that every seven days a horrible mob of undead comes to kill you, so you need to be prepared.

This game been in development for ten years, but a passion project doesn't have a launch date; it'll be ready when it's ready. It has come along in leaps and bounds in the last few updates, in terms of graphics, mechanics and stability. In A21 we're seeing performance improvements across the board, new zombies, new art, 100s of new buildings and 100s of old ones revamped.

You know, the apocalypse ain't so bad :)

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