The reasons for the targeted individual program gone public

1 year ago

FYI: Massive view counter manipulations

In this video from the 10th of June 2023, I talk about how the United States government and its intelligence agencies, the entire establishment in fact, are waging a concerted effort against me Stephen Bell, a Danish citizen with no connection to the States whatsoever, and yet is clearly shown again and again how the United States government in collaboration with the Danish and British have a huge vested interest in the people’s image and beliefs about me Stephen Bell, and the ongoing in my life, being the protagonist of this global social engineering and intelligence, a.k.a. the program and its propaganda, without me in actual reality having much involvement whatsoever!

FYI: Massive view counter manipulations

Til Danskerne, efter alt at bedømme er det den amerikanske stat og efterretningstjenester som står for bestyrelsen af programmet også her i Danmark og ikke mindst den sociale og politiske forfølgelse af mig Stephen Bell i alt offentlighed, dette har bevist samtlige gange hver år, og så sendt som over de sidste uger og dage i forbindelse med diktator Mette Frederiksen besøg til det hvidehus og creepy Joe Biden har dette især bevist sig at være tilfældet.

It is in these interests and the acts that follow, where it is clearly proven how this program and the within its social and political persecution of me in public, is primarily run by the United States government and its intelligence agencies, despite my nationality and moreover location is consistently in Denmark, and yet this out-of-control superpower clearly have vested interests in me, as preposterous as that sounds, and you can be completely sure they NOT want! to see me prosper or be successful in anyway.

And that is why, they are sabotaging every little aspect of my life, including my abilities to earn a decent income, which I talk a lot more about in this video:

It´s a must watch, it also gives you a clear impression that I am not in any way shape or form, the way that they describe me to the public of the world, in their propaganda and PSYOPS campaign, and that is why my life and well-being is in imminent danger in fact the more success I have the more the dangers increases, this is no exaggeration Welcome to the New World

#the_setup_is_real #active_measures_against_Stephen_Bell #synthetic_telepathy_communications_system

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