Diversity is key: an early June good forest walk-around.

1 year ago

This February, we popped well above freezing for a week or two and flower buds swelled. We then dipped back below -30C which is common for February. Because of that, nobody around here has any peaches.

Some apple and pear trees also have nothing. We still got about 25% of our pears and apples flowering, so we will get some. However, imagine if I just had peaches? I'd be in big trouble if I depended on it for income!

A well diverse portfolio of trees isn't the only thing. I discuss herb diversity when I discuss mosquitoes.

So come on a tour, let's see what is producing this week. We've got paw paws setting fruit!!! Could this be the year we get our first paw paws, or will the tree shed them? One things certain though, we got pollination and fruit set, without me hand pollinating! Yeah!!

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