Effect Commands Part 6 - Playback

1 year ago

Explanations and demonstrations of the six playback commands: Trigger Slice, Play Backwards, Envelope Offset, Delay, Retrigger and Maybe.

Effect Commands Reference Card - links:
Screen 16:9 - https://t.co/fOLovkKFfO
Screen A4 - https://t.co/6bF8eOZqlB
Print 16:9 - https://t.co/n3ShI4379G
Print A4 - https://t.co/qXm91IzLYu

0:00 - Sxx - Trigger Slice
2:19 - Bxx - Play Backwards
3:23 - Exx - Envelope Offset
4:18 - Qxx - Delay Playback
4:41 - Rxy - Retrigger
6:16 - Yxx - Maybe Trigger

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