1 year ago

Psalm 37:5 New King James Version
5 Commit[a] your way to the LORD,
Trust also in Him,
And He shall bring it to pass.

Allow me to ask this question of you all my friends, and I pray that what I share with you in regard to this question, will encourage your heart, and help you to trust the Lord with your everything.

What changes or challenges in your life require you to put total trust in God?

I can relate to this question myself, because I’m going through some things right now where I am finding it very difficult to put my total trust in God over, and I could really use your prayers. I'm having to go to the Lord constantly, and ask him to calm my heart, especially the anger that I am feeling over someone having stolen my identity. I'm also very concerned and frustrated over how my physical condition is getting worse from where I stand. As such, I'm having to undergo X-rays, and EMG, and maybe down the road an MRI over all of this. However, I am choosing to do what this morning scripture states, as well as this verse above, and commit everything to God, submit all of my ways to Him, allow God to direct all my paths, trusting that He’s not going to stop taking care of me.

Right now, my friends, I'd like to share some things that God has been showing me from His Word on this issue with all of you tonight, and I pray that it will encourage you to cling to the Lord with everything that you may be experiencing, trust, commit, and submit all of your ways to Him, and watch what He does for you. Come join me in this vlog tonight my friends and learn for yourself how you can trust the Lord with your whole life! 😊

So, my friends, as I close this post for tonight, I want to leave you with this final question from this morning's devotional, and I pray that it will encourage you to trust God completely and totally.

What’s preventing you from taking that leap of faith?

My prayer for you tonight, my friends, is that whatever may be preventing you from taking that leap of faith, that you ask God to remove it. Read and cling to not only this verse above, but also what Psalm 119:105 states, and make God that lamp to your feet and light to your path every day. Whatever fear, concern, or anything that it might be that is keeping you from taking that leap of faith, cast that care, fear, worry, or whatever it is onto God, and let Him take care of it for you. Allow God to be your burden bearer, to take those fears, or whatever it is that is keeping you from taking that leap of faith, and let Him make your way clear and straight.



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