5. The Resurrection of Jesus (A Miracle)

1 year ago

24,072 views Apr 1, 2016
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In this section, we look at the biggest objection to the resurrection, which is that miracles should be the least probable explanation regardless of the evidence. We will show that is nothing more than circular reasoning.


N. T. Wright - The Resurrection of the Son of God

Mike Licona - The Resurrection of Jesus

Gary Habermas and Mike Licona - The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus

JP Holding - Defending the Resurrection

Antony Flew and Gary Habermas - Did the Resurrection Happen?

E.P. Sanders - Jesus and Judaism
E.P. Sanders - The Historical Figure of Jesus

Richard Bauckham - Jesus and the Eyewitnesses

J Warner Wallace - Cold Case Christianity

David A. deSilva - Honor, Patronage, Kinship, & Purity

Richard Bauckham - Gospel Women

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